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Only 1 in 3 Local Searches Start in a Search Engine!

“Everything online begins with a search.” Have you ever heard this oft-quoted thought? It’s true, but it has a very different meaning than it did five years ago. It used to be that this quote meant that people started their search for information, services, and products by going to a search engine (largely, Google). But now, it doesn’t. “A search” [...]

Hot in Auto: Targeting Hispanic American Car Shoppers with Digital

Times Inc. owned technology giant Viant, recently published a research study examining Hispanic American automotive buyers and found that this population is the most receptive to digital advertising.  This is great news for automotive marketers, considering Hispanic American consumers account for $27.9 billion in registered new vehicle transactions, representing 11% of the total automotive market.  According to the study backed [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:17+00:00June 23, 2016|Categories: Automotive, Digital Marketing, Hispanic, Uncategorized|

Location-Targeted Mobile Ad Spend Is Exploding

So what are location-targeted mobile ads? At Vici, we do location based mobile targeting with our Mobile Conquesting product.  Mobile Conquesting is targeting people on their mobile devices using a combination of geo-fencing (where someone is at that moment) combined with demographic and behavioral targeting to reach specific consumers. In the spring update to its U.S. Local Advertising Forecast 2016, [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:17+00:00June 21, 2016|Categories: Mobile, Uncategorized|

Improve Your Online Presence with SEO & Reputation Management

Last week, our very own Laura Ostrowski wrote an excellent article about why, as a business, your online presence is important. I would definitely recommend reading it here: Why Your Online Presence is Important. Her main points centered on the fact that the majority of consumers will do some “research” about your business before choosing to engage with it. This [...]

Demystifying the Digital C.N.A.

When it comes to selling new tools with digital advertising, I often see traditional radio, television, and newspaper sellers feel a little overwhelmed during the initial Client Needs Analysis (C.N.A.) meeting.  There’s several reasons for this analysis paralysis, a big one being a seller feeling the need to talk about all these new shiny objects in their arsenal, which inadvertently [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:45:47+00:00June 7, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|

Why Your Online Presence is Important

While most businesses recognize the importance of having an online presence in this technological age, new studies are showing how important it actually is, especially for small businesses. A recent survey asked internet users in the US how having an online presence can impact a small business. Over a third (36.7%) of them said they learn about small businesses first [...]

Using Video on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook is consistently looking for better ways for advertisers to reach more of their users. Recently, this has led to substantial targeting changes and improvements to both Facebook and their image based counterpart, Instagram. One of the biggest changes, aside from the redesign of the iconic Instagram logo, has been the increase in features available with video advertising on both [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:45:46+00:00June 1, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

How To Tap Into Local Political Campaign’s Digital Dollars!

According to Borrell Associates “Online political spending in 2016 across local, state, and national campaigns projected to hit $1 billion.”  That is a 500% increase since 2012.  Of that $1 Billion, 500 Million is expected to be spent on local elections.  In fact, the average town council race candidate will spend $47,000.  Politicians are absolutely allocating ad budgets for digital, to [...]

The Question Digital Salespeople Should Always Ask

The client has committed and you got the sale. Great! The next thing you should ask this client is, “How will you evaluate if this campaign is successful?” Often in our excitement of getting the order we overlook this extremely important question. If you don’t know how the client will be judging the effectiveness of the digital ad spend, you [...]

Consumers Are Not Willing to Pay to Block Ads

If you’ve heard of Adpocolypse, and actually feel like it’s the end of the world for digital marketing, you have my permission to take a deep breath and relax.  For those of you who have not heard of Adpocolypse, it is the seemingly detrimental trend of internet users employing ad blockers so they are not shown digital display ads. So [...]

Content Marketing: What it is and why it’s important

Here at Vici, we excel at getting visitors to your website and engaging with your brand. But what happens after that initial engagement? For some, they remain interested in the brand and become a loyal customer. But for many, that one-time engagement is just that. So how do brands retain more of these new visitors from their advertising campaigns? The [...]

Understanding Facebook’s News Feed Ads

In the last year Facebook has rolled out an amazing number of new products!  They now have several options to utilize to target potential customers with display or video ads based on demographics, interests, behaviors, or even a list of email addresses or phone numbers. While Right Hand Column ads have long been in place, we recommend using Right Column [...]

Digital Video Ad Spend is Experiencing Major Growth

If you’re looking for a new trend that isn’t high-waisted shorts or man buns, look no further than digital video.  Recent studies have found that digital video spending is on the rise, and shows no signs of slowing down. It looks like this year’s digital and mobile video ad spend will be about 85% more than it was in 2014. [...]

Traditional Advertising’s Digital Counterpart

If you offer digital advertising to your clients, then you know that sometimes it gets overwhelming with all the new and changing digital advertising options available. So here is a “If This, Then That” guide to what you should suggest to clients, based on what they are currently doing with their traditional advertising. “I do direct mail”  If the advertiser [...]

Emoji Use on the Rise in Marketing

Locavore, hypermiling, refudiate, selfie, and…. ‘Face with Tears of Joy?’ () One of these things is not like the others. These words are all past winners of Oxford Dictionary’s coveted Word of the Year award, but the most recent winner is not a word at all, it’s an emoji. The use of emojis spiked in 2015 (a contributing factor to [...]

My fingers are too fat to shop

Yes, mobile advertising is a must – but so are desktops and laptops. Here’s why. Even people who are heavy mobile users still prefer to sit comfortably with their computer and make purchases from their keyboard.   It is no surprise that mobile usage is up – way up! Check out any pack of teenagers, moms at the park, the [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:15+00:00April 20, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Mobile, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

User Explorer: Google Analytics’ New Tool to View Individual Website Interactions

Google has begun releasing a new feature (currently in Beta) which allows website owners the ability to view individual, anonymized, interactions up to the minute. User Explorer, as it’s being called, began showing up in Google Analytics dashboards a few weeks ago and those who have had a chance to really dig into it have given the new tool very [...]

How I Explain SEO & Pay-Per-Click To My Mother

I think Search Engine Optimization is one of the hardest things to understand and even harder to explain to small business owners. Now, Google is making all kinds of change to their Search Engine Results Page (SERP), making it more confusing than ever. I’ve learned to run things through my “Mom Test.” If I can explain a digital product in [...]

The Best Online Ads Use the K.I.S.S. Technique

The K.I.S.S. technique has been a favorite among marketers for decades, especially when it comes to billboards, short radio spots, or television ads that fill less then :10 seconds worth of inventory.  The acronym stands for: Keep It Simple Stupid.  This is also known as the more politically correct and sanitized Keep It Short and Simple (albeit less fun).  Turns [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:15+00:00April 5, 2016|Categories: Banner ad, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Online marketing, Uncategorized|

Digital Marketing Roundup: March 2016

With March officially over, and with the promise of warmer weather around the corner, it seems like the perfect opportunity to take a step back and look at some interesting stats and info from this past month surrounding digital marketing. First up, a new eMarketer study predicting that digital ad spending will surpass TV ad spending next year. Digital to [...]

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