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Household IP Targeting

How do you capture part of the billions spent on local political campaign?

How big is the local political advertising pie exactly? MASSIVE. In fact, it is predicted by the BIA that $6.55 billion will be spent in local political advertising in 2020. That number is not a typo, it is an enormous opportunity. So we know there is a huge pie, how is it being divided and what media is getting the [...]

What Are Top Digital Advertising Industries For 2019? (Example)

As 2019 approaches, it’s imperative that we understand what’s working and continue to add fuel to the fire. Following up to our last blog about preparing for next year, we wanted to share with you some of the top industries spending money in Digital Marketng. Breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the country. Their individual spin on some classic [...]

Do Video Ads Work For Small Businesses?

Video.  Is it worth the investment to have a video created and include it in your digital marketing?  The answer is yes. In almost every aspect of Digital Marketing, we have seen not only an increase in using video, but an increase in the interaction with digital ads created by businesses. (photo credit: Ad Week) According to SingleGrain: 70% of [...]

How To Do A Video Ad Campaign

In today’s fast paced world video is climbing up the marketing ladder, and it is not just for the big dogs anymore, everyone is playing. 87% of online marketers are using video content and it continues to grow! Recent statistics show that one-third of online activity is spent watching video and half of all video content online is viewed on [...]

What Is Geo-Framing?

Geo-Framing technology allow us to go back in time to previous events where we have captured people’s mobile Unique Device ID’s, map those Unique Device ID’s to their homes, and show those people ads now, across all devices.  It combines the best of aspects of Geo-Fencing and Household IP Targeting. How does it work? If the event you are interested [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:47:03+00:00November 25, 2017|Categories: Geo-fencing, Geo-targeting, Household IP Targeting, Mobile|Tags: , , |

Using Digital Advertising To Recruit Your Next Great Hire

Update: Facebook shuttered Jobs on Facebook (February 2023) and Instant Articles (April 2023) Finding the right employee is never an easy task, especially if you’re looking for someone that is qualified.  With so many different job boards out there, from Monster and CareerBuilder to all of the ones that have popped up like ZipRecruiter and even the local job boards [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:46:48+00:00July 13, 2017|Categories: Facebook, Household IP Targeting, Instagram|Tags: , |

Online Products for Offline Buyers

There are many media buyers out there that are devouring as much information as they can about digital advertising, given that the marketing landscape has changed so drastically.  A media mix used to include placing a television, radio, direct mail, newspaper, phone book, or a billboard buy.   Now with the introduction of a countless number of digital products that are [...]

Is IP Targeting Digital Ads Right For My Business?

Maybe…Maybe not.  How do you know?  First let’s start with what IP Targeting is.  Many digital providers say they do IP Targeting but are referring to targeting small groups of IP addresses.  (An IP address, or Internet Protocol Address, is the string of numbers your internet service provider assigns to your internet connection).  That form of IP Targeting is really geo-targeting – [...]

Household IP Targeting: Direct Mail For The Internet

The mail arrives daily in the usual way, but the mail that makes it into my house depends solely on who brings the mail from the mailbox.  While everyone usually brings in the bills, the rest is dependent on who physically carries the mail from the box to the counter.  Currently I’m tossing anything from car dealerships (my husband is [...]

How Digital Advertising Can Transform a Political Campaign

The past few years have brought about major changes in the way local political campaigns have embraced digital.  Each election cycle, political campaigns rely more and more on reaching their voters in new ways. If done properly, digital advertising can be very effective in persuasiveness, raising campaign funds, getting people to the polls, and gaining votes. According to a recent [...]

Have A Customer or Lead List? How Can You Maximize It Beyond Sending Emails?

73.5% of small to medium sized retail businesses maintain a customer or lead list, according to BIA/Kelsey.  Great news, right? You have the names, addresses, or emails, the question now becomes HOW do I reach this gold mine of existing customers and prospects? Reaching out to your current customer base, subscribers and/or social media followers may be the easiest way [...]

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