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Landing Pages

Unleash the Power of Forms to Amplify Your Strategy

Welcome to the ultimate guide on amplifying your marketing game! Today, we're diving deep into a tool that might seem modest but packs a mighty punch: forms. Yep, you heard that right! We're about to explore how forms can be your secret weapon in elevating engagement, gathering insights, and driving conversions like never before. So buckle up and get ready [...]

Voice Search is Here: Is Your Business Ready for It?

When Apple’s Siri first came out back in 2011 the technology was a novelty.  It was cool to test out and sometimes provided informative results, but often the results were laughable.  Not many people predicted voice search would become a major digital trend of the future.  Voice search is defined as a speech recognition technology that allows users to search [...]

What Is A Good Click Through Landing Page?

What is a “landing page”? It’s the page of your website that people land on after clicking your ad. Should that be your home page? Maybe, but maybe not. Having the right info on a landing page DRAMATICALLY increases your conversions (getting people to take the next step). Here are some tips for what makes a great landing page: 1. [...]

Matching Small Biz Digital Marketing Priorities To The Right Digital Product

Finding out what potential advertisers’ needs and goals are for a campaign is critical, but matching those to the right digital product is just as crucial. A majority of small businesses say that they will be spending more on digital marketing this year and a recent study details what they say are their primary goals and priorities. So let’s look at [...]

Landing Pages: The Key to Conversions

Landing pages are specific pages on your website that someone lands on after they click or engage with an advertisement that are used to get a viewer to fill out a form, sign up for something, or to call someone. These actions are what we call conversions, and they are what every digital marketing campaign strives for. One of the best [...]

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