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mobile conquesting

Maximizing Holiday Sales with Mobile Geo-Fencing and Geo-Retargeting: Your Comprehensive Guide

The holiday season is a special time for businesses, whether it's the bustling excitement of holiday festivals or the dynamic energy of college campuses. During this period, shoppers embark on a quest for the perfect gifts, decorations, and experiences, and they're doing it all from the convenience of their mobile devices. For marketers, this presents a unique and golden opportunity [...]

What Digital Products Are Businesses Using To Promote Their Business?

Looking at the entire landscape of digital advertising, there is a plethora of digital products out there.   Here at Vici, we have a wheel that we introduce businesses to that incorporates 14 top level products, with lots of elements within each product.   In 2022, we saw two products take the lead in usage from our partners.  Those two products [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:12:23+00:00January 12, 2023|Categories: Digital Marketing, Mobile, mobile conquesting, Small business strategy, Social Mirror|

What Digital Products Work Best for Colleges and Universities?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a surge in spending for colleges and universities.  At first, a lot of campuses started to promote their online classes.  Since then, online classes are still a topic for discussion.  But now, we also see an increase in the promotion of specific schools or programs at each college. From English as a Second Language [...]

How to Use Digital Advertising During the Holiday Season

Turkey Trots, Macy Day Parade, Black Friday, Menorahs, Hanukkah, Santa Claus, Tree Lightings, and New Year’s!  Throw in a few other days like Columbus Day and Veterans Day and you have a whole lot of celebrating being done over the months of October – December. For ideas on Halloween, make sure you read this blog. It’s true.  No matter how [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:12:33+00:00September 20, 2022|Categories: Amazon, Mobile, mobile conquesting|Tags: , , , |

How To Use Digital Ads To Target Travelers For Tourism & Travel Businesses

I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again. (Did you just reread that so you can sing it?)  OK, I’m not currently taking a trip, though that sounds amazing right now, but a lot of people are. It’s no wonder that people who were homebound for a majority of 2020, had a lot of time [...]

How do you help the Real Estate Industry with Digital Advertising?

If you’ve been looking to buy a home recently, or bought one, you’ve probably overpaid, just like I did earlier this year.  If you’ve sold a house this year, you probably made a great return on your initial investment.  The real estate market is on FIRE right now across the country, making it the perfect industry to talk to about [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

What to expect for advertising budgets and products in 2021?

2020 has come to end.  How can we possibly know what to expect to happen in 2021?!   I’m no psychic and don’t claim to be.  But, I did attend a webinar that Borrell Associates hosted last month, and here are some of my key takeaways from their study.   Retail sales in 2020 have out performed the last 4 years.  [...]

How Do You Target Your Advertising During the Holidays?

Oh Quaren-tree, Oh Quaran-tree… what will this holiday season be? Pivot left. Pivot right.  How many more times can we pivot this year?  For some of us, we have already been pioneers in curbside pickup and same day delivery.  While we do not know exactly what holiday shopping is going to look like this year, we can be sure that [...]

What is Cross Platform Targeting and How Does it Work?

In order to understand Cross Platform Advertising, it’s important to first understand its foundation, Mobile Conquesting™, one of our most popular products. It’s also one of the more advanced and sophisticated products we offer. With Mobile Conquesting™, targeting people on their mobile devices (smart phones and tablets), we have the ability to target people by online behaviors and offline behaviors. [...]

How Does Mobile Targeted Advertising Work?

Let’s face it…people love their smart phones. Really! And…they can’t really live without them. What would consumers give up instead of their smartphones? Here’s what the Boston Consulting Group found in their survey. We have our phones attached to us at all times, in some form. Whether it’s in your purse, in your pocket, in your bag, or, in most [...]

What is Mobile Conquesting Address Targeting and How Does It Work?

With the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve seen a consumer shift like no other.   With millions of people out of work or working from home, their behavior with devices while quarantined has dramatically changed.  Advertisers need a way to target their customers when they are at home on their mobile devices.  With our new Address Targeting product, we have that solution. Being [...]

What Digital Advertising Products Work Best for Real Estate Clients?

According to the National Association of Realtors there are 1,384,166 total registered members for the month of January 2020. Why does this matter? They all need digital marketing.  With numbers like that, you are bound to know an agent. Maybe multiple agents? Maybe one in your very own neighborhood or your family? You know who they are because they are [...]

Top Digital Advertising Trends for 2020

Anywhere you look, you’re going to see trends for the new year, trends for the new decade, and all sorts of news about the “visionary” year of 2020.  Looking ahead, here are a few key things to watch out for as you plan and finalize your marketing budgets. Instagram Ads – We all know Instagram as Facebook’s little brother.  But, [...]

How can I use video in Digital Advertising?

With Advertisers increasing their digital video advertising budgets an average of 25% , it may be tough to decipher which video products they’re using as part of their marketing mix.  For instance, in Mobile video alone in 2018, brands spent over $30 billion in mobile video alone. So how do you know if what you’re doing is going to work?  [...]

How Accurate is your Geo-Fencing and Visit Tracking with Mobile Conquesting?

One of the most popular products that we offer is Mobile Conquesting, and it’s also one of the more advanced and sophisticated products we offer, because of all the shiny bells and whistles that it offers. With Mobile Conquesting, we can target people by online behaviors (people who have shown specific behaviors online or are in a certain demographic) and [...]

Digital Advertising Trends

Election season is basically upon us, and we know that every election year, there are so many changes within the economy.  What businesses are going to spend what, and where are they going to spend it? Before we look at 2020, let’s take a quick look at how 2019 digital ad spending will most likely end.  Here’s a quick chart [...]

Mobile Conquesting™, Geo-Fencing, Geo-Targeting, How Targeted Can I Get With My Ads ?

When you explain to a business owner that they could put a virtual fence around their competitors’ locations and target people while at that location, their eyes light up and they start seeing dollar signs. “You mean that I can show MY ad to people while they are AT my competition?” Why yes, Mr./Ms. Business Owner, you can! Enter the [...]

What techniques are most popular for Professional Services?

According to a survey by BIA’s Local Advertising Forecast, the professional service industries will spend $2.5 Billion on mobile ads in 2019.  These industries include law firms and legal businesses along with engineering, architects and computer/technology services.  These are the industries that will spend the most. Other industries within this vertical include accounting (CPAs), advertising agencies, photography services, and more. [...]

When should you Geo-Target and when should you Geo-Fence and what is the difference?

There are several “geo” terms in digital advertising, and it can be complicated to determine which option is best for your campaign. With so many opportunities and choices it is important to understand the differences. First let’s define our “Geo” terms: Geo-Targeting (Geographic Targeting):  all digital ads are geographically targeted meaning we serve ads to specific geographic areas like a [...]

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