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How important is creative in digital advertising?

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, the importance of ad creative cannot be overlooked. It's not just about being present in the digital realm; it's about standing out, capturing your audience's attention, and compelling them to take action. Let’s take a look into the pivotal role ad creative plays in [...]

Where were you 25 years ago?

Where were you around this time in 1994? Me? I was attending Bowling Green State University and quite possibly having a Zima with a Jolly Rancher tucked inside. For those of you a bit younger, this was basically a handmade White Claw.  Why should we take note? It was a monumental time for digital advertising, as the first ever banner [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:43:10+00:00November 19, 2019|Categories: Banner ad, Digital Marketing|

Digital Ad Spend Surpasses 50% of Total Ad Spending in the U.S.

Earlier this year, eMarketer, Marketing-Interactive, and CNBC  all predicted that digital ad spend would surpass 50% of advertising dollars in the U.S.  Turns out they were right. Currently, according to MAGNA, digital ad spend in the U.S. will surpass 51%, 51.5% to be exact.  That equates to about $160 billion dollars!  That’s a lot of money! Leading the digital ad [...]

The Latest and Greatest Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is a hot commodity among advertisers around the country, as consumers spend more and more time on their mobile devices daily. Our Mobile Conquesting products have many advanced features, including geo-fencing, behavioral/location/brand targeting, dynamically updated ads, weather triggered ads, geo-retargeting, geo-lookalike targeting, and also the ability to track in-store visits. The most amazing thing about digital marketing is [...]

The Best Online Ads Use the K.I.S.S. Technique

The K.I.S.S. technique has been a favorite among marketers for decades, especially when it comes to billboards, short radio spots, or television ads that fill less then :10 seconds worth of inventory.  The acronym stands for: Keep It Simple Stupid.  This is also known as the more politically correct and sanitized Keep It Short and Simple (albeit less fun).  Turns [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:15+00:00April 5, 2016|Categories: Banner ad, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Online marketing, Uncategorized|

Is My Digital Ad Working?

All digital campaigns measure clicks - as in how many people “clicked” on the ad. The Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is merely the beginning of the story.  CTR’s serve a purpose. They allow you to gauge the results of your digital campaign in a very simple form and these metrics are important – however, they do not provide the complete engagement picture. [...]

Do Digital Display Ads Drive Phone Calls?

If the question is “Does display advertising influence consumers to make a phone call?”  The answer to this question is absolutely “yes.”  Digital advertising drives phone calls, but they are not always immediate. According to a research study done by Marchex, display ads influence 60x more phone calls than they do a direct click-to-call. On average, they find that approximately 2% [...]

What is A/B testing, and how can I use it to my advantage?

Digital display advertising is great. It allows you to show potential customers more than just a few words. It is this style of advertising that tends to better engage viewers. However, creating an effective display ad is not always the easiest thing to do. Sure, it has become A LOT easier to actually create the ads, thanks to the online [...]

Traditional Advertising, Where Does It Drive Consumers? Online!

Consumers are watching TV and listening to the radio and the adverting they are consuming while doing so, is having an impact on them: It is driving them straight online. Research shows that 74% of people go online for more information on products and services advertised on TV and Radio. We are not watching TV alone. We may be alone [...]

Digital Advertising: A History Lesson

When you think of where digital marketing is in 2015, I'm amazed everyday at how quickly advancements are being made to deliver beautiful marketing to the sophisticated web users.  As web users we expect a lot.   We are more informed about our purchases being made online and offline.   We have means of communicating to other consumers to inform [...]

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