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Cannabis Marketing

Can Digital be Used for Marijuana Campaigns?

Yes, it CANnabis! Cannabis is a budding industry and is really starting to grow like a weed as more states start to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Support for legal marijuana is at an all-time high (no pun intended) of 68%, with the percent being even higher among 18 to 29 year old’s at 79%. With more and more states [...]

How can the Cannabis Industry use Digital Marketing?

Blaze. Burn. Get baked. Ganja. Smoke bud. 4/20. Hash. Wake n’ Bake.  There are definitely more terms that refer to cannabis than there are ways to advertise for it.  In an industry that’s seen massive growth and expansion, there is constant uphill battles when it comes to finding out what’s a possibility and what’s not in the marketing world.  It’s [...]

Can I do digital advertising for Cannabis, Marijuana or CBD Oil campaigns?

Let’s be blunt. Trying to run digital campaigns for Cannabis businesses around all the restrictions and limited targeting categories has been a bit of a drag in the past. There are now a wealth of targeting options available that we offer, including Native Ads, Display Ads and Video Ads . Do you want to reach people who are marijuana legalization [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:34+00:00July 18, 2019|Categories: behavioral targeting, Cannabis Marketing, Digital Marketing, Live Chat, Native Ads, OTT/CTV|
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