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What digital products work best when Targeting a Hispanic Audience?

All of them. That’s right, you have more flexibility and targeting options than ever before to reach Hispanic consumers with digital ads. Want to try Social Mirror™? Check out this comprehensive (and not even complete!) list of possible behavioral categories to choose from! The same exhaustive list can also be used to target with Display Ads, Native Ads, Online Audio [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:28:31+00:00March 31, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, Hispanic|Tags: , |

How Can You Reach the Growing Hispanic Demographic with Digital Advertising?

When I tell people that I from New York, they immediately think that I am talking about the Big Apple; New York City. When I also tell people that I am from Mexico, they get a puzzled look on their face and think I am lost because I am an Irish American and don’t fit a typical Hispanic profile. The [...]

Hot in Auto: Targeting Hispanic American Car Shoppers with Digital

Times Inc. owned technology giant Viant, recently published a research study examining Hispanic American automotive buyers and found that this population is the most receptive to digital advertising.  This is great news for automotive marketers, considering Hispanic American consumers account for $27.9 billion in registered new vehicle transactions, representing 11% of the total automotive market.  According to the study backed [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:54:19+00:00June 23, 2016|Categories: Automotive, Digital Marketing, Hispanic, Uncategorized|
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