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Online Audio

Do you know where your phone is?

Of course, you do. We all do. It is likely in your hand right now as you are reading this and it is not just you, it is everyone. In fact, it is estimated that US adults have tacked on an impressive hour of screen time daily. For me personally, my phone is the last thing I checked before bed [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:25:21+00:00February 2, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, Mobile, Online Audio|Tags: , , |

What are some unique ways to advertise during a down time?

It’s tough out there right now.  We get it.  Every day we’re getting bombarded by emails and social media posts from businesses and how they are dealing with our current state of economy and the Corona Virus (COVID-19).  With everything going on in our community it’s important for us to stay positive and stay focused as much as possible.   As [...]

Online Audio – What is it and is it HEAR to stay?

So many listeners out there, but how much are we listening? Personally, I would say I spend 2-3 hours a day listening to some type of online audio. In our household alone we account for 7 hours a day, at least! The average user of online audio spends about 16 hours and 43 minutes a week! So, to answer the [...]

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