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Sales Strategy

Are You Following the Proper Steps to Close Digital Sales?

ABC is an acronym for a lot of things. If you’re learning CPR, they teach you ABC to look for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. If you’re a parent, ABC could mean “Another Blowout Coming”. In the broadcasting world, ABC stands for American Broadcasting Company. In sales, ABC is most commonly known as “Always Be Closing”, and in this case, ABC [...]

How To Have A Successful Virtual Client Meeting

It has been almost a year since Covid-19 hit and it has turned our workdays heck…every day upside down. “Normal” workdays in the office and being on the go are a thing of the past. We are all doing our best to adapt and create new routines and are evolving daily as we go with the flow. By now, we [...]

What are some unique ways to advertise during a down time?

It’s tough out there right now.  We get it.  Every day we’re getting bombarded by emails and social media posts from businesses and how they are dealing with our current state of economy and the Corona Virus (COVID-19).  With everything going on in our community it’s important for us to stay positive and stay focused as much as possible.   As [...]

How Well Does Digital Advertising Work For The Beauty Industry?

Gorgeously! I am a self-proclaimed beauty junkie, and there is no better place to get a product fix than the internet. My journeys to beauty product conversions are both intentional and accidental. For example, around Halloween I needed ideas for a costume. In about an hour I went from Pinterest for inspirations, to Googling “bride of Frankenstein makeup tutorial” to [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:15:39+00:00December 9, 2019|Categories: behavioral targeting, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Online marketing, Sales Strategy|

Do Credit Unions Utilize Digital Advertising?

In short, the answer is yes!  But, to get a good look at what works and what doesn’t, let’s take a deeper dive into how much they are spending, and what they are spending that money on. According to, Credit Unions spend between $9.92 – $14.83 per member on advertising.  Now, that number can vary depending on the size [...]

What Are Top Digital Advertising Industries For 2019? (Example)

As 2019 approaches, it’s imperative that we understand what’s working and continue to add fuel to the fire. Following up to our last blog about preparing for next year, we wanted to share with you some of the top industries spending money in Digital Marketng. Breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the country. Their individual spin on some classic [...]

What is a digital buyer and why are they so important?

Digital Buyers are typically the link between advertiser and media partners. In the marketing world, there are many viable media outlets, however digital is on the constant rise. In 2019 it is projected that digital media will take up 55% of all ad spending. When engaging in digital it is important to make sure you find the best partner with [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:28+00:00October 29, 2018|Categories: branding, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Sales Strategy|

Christmas In October?

Most people frown at the thought of thinking about the holiday season now and prefer to wait until after Halloween and Thanksgiving. It makes us cringe when we walk into a home decor or craft store and it is already filled with Christmas trees, lights and aisles of gift wrap and bows in September or even October. BUT, with the [...]

I don’t have time to meet. Can you just send me your presentation?

If you are in sales, you have heard this statement. Probably many times and in different ways: “Just send me your notes.” “Just email me the pricing.” “Just forward your pitch.” All too often when we hear this, we jump to it and start drafting long emails with lots of notes and attaching presentation materials. We give it all away [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:36:43+00:00June 24, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, sales, Sales Strategy, Technology|Tags: , , |

Why Digital Is Not A One-Call-Close

When training traditional media advertising salespeople on how to sell digital, I find that the biggest hurdle is often what made them successful salespeople people to begin with – being able to get their message across quickly, devise a solution, and close the sale – often all in one meeting. When you are selling a media advertising product that people [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:46:48+00:00August 21, 2017|Categories: Digital Media, Sales Strategy|Tags: , , |

Online Products for Offline Buyers

There are many media buyers out there that are devouring as much information as they can about digital advertising, given that the marketing landscape has changed so drastically.  A media mix used to include placing a television, radio, direct mail, newspaper, phone book, or a billboard buy.   Now with the introduction of a countless number of digital products that are [...]

What Does The Local Ad Revenue Forecast For 2017 Mean For You?

According to a recent article published by by Ad Age, the latest local ad revenue forecast from BIA/Kelsey confirms that revenue from local-focused online ads will exceed that of traditional ads aimed at local audiences by 2018. “BIA/Kelsey forecasts that in local markets, digital advertising, including mobile, will grow from $44.2 billion in 2016 to $50.2 billion in 2017 -- a [...]

Top 5 Ways Digital Sellers Blow the Sale

As a trainer of all things digital for Vici, I have the opportunity to travel all over the country and meet talented sales teams in television, radio, and print.  My job is to teach “traditional” media sellers to become well-rounded integrated marketers who combine both digital and traditional marketing techniques to accomplish the end client’s sales goals. A fascinating pattern [...]

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