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Where should I spend my Digital Advertising dollars in 2023?

As the holidays come into view on the calendar, so do the budget meetings, review meetings, and strategy planning for the upcoming year.   A question that we get asked quite often is “How much should I invest into digital advertising next year?” This is a great question, as we are seeing an increase in digital advertising spend throughout the United [...]

How Does Amazon Know So Much About You?

I have always been a pretty neat, clean, and tidy person. I don’t like clutter, I like seeing the lines on the carpet from a vacuum in a room, and everything (and I mean everything) has a place. Well, having kids changes that because now my living room looks like a bomb went off at any given point with the [...]

How to Use Digital Advertising During the Holiday Season

Turkey Trots, Macy Day Parade, Black Friday, Menorahs, Hanukkah, Santa Claus, Tree Lightings, and New Year’s!  Throw in a few other days like Columbus Day and Veterans Day and you have a whole lot of celebrating being done over the months of October – December. For ideas on Halloween, make sure you read this blog. It’s true.  No matter how [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:12:33+00:00September 20, 2022|Categories: Amazon, Mobile, mobile conquesting|Tags: , , , |

Is Your Business Using All That Amazon Advertising Offers?

Peanut Butter and Jelly. Macaroni and Cheese. Cookies and Milk. Those are things we can all agree on that pair well with one another, right? Well, in the digital advertising world, two things that also pair well together are Amazon and Over the Top (OTT) advertising. With over 300 million worldwide active customer accounts, Amazon has a deep understanding of [...]

What to expect for advertising budgets and products in 2021?

2020 has come to end.  How can we possibly know what to expect to happen in 2021?!   I’m no psychic and don’t claim to be.  But, I did attend a webinar that Borrell Associates hosted last month, and here are some of my key takeaways from their study.   Retail sales in 2020 have out performed the last 4 years.  [...]

How Do You Target Your Advertising During the Holidays?

Oh Quaren-tree, Oh Quaran-tree… what will this holiday season be? Pivot left. Pivot right.  How many more times can we pivot this year?  For some of us, we have already been pioneers in curbside pickup and same day delivery.  While we do not know exactly what holiday shopping is going to look like this year, we can be sure that [...]

The Ultimate Amazon Ad Buying Guide for Small Businesses

Historically when it comes to ad buying you have two giants fighting for business ad dollars: Google and Facebook.  Globally, Google is the largest digital ad seller in the world in 2019, accounting for 31.1% of ad spending, or $103.73 billion. Facebook has cut the Google lead in half with $67.37 billion in net ad revenues.  In 2019 Amazon netted [...]

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