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The Steps For A Productive Digital Advertising Client Meeting

When going into a digital client needs analysis meeting it can be hard to determine where to start. There are so many products and options to consider it can be daunting to everyone involved. To avoid overwhelming clients with all the different possibilities, it is helpful to do your homework and research first. Prepping for the meeting: Use and [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:31+00:00December 15, 2018|Categories: client needs analysis, Conversions, Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

Digital Ad Reports Are Great But What About The Big Picture?

I receive a lot of digital ads. I’m targeted as much as the next consumer, and the most intriguing digital messages and offers absolutely shine through the clutter enough for me to open my wallet and become a customer. In fact, I made a purchase because of a digital ad just this morning. In this case, I was served a [...]

The best digital campaigns are expertly mixed, just like your favorite cocktail

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is easy to become enamored with products that are at the bottom of the sales funnel.  It would be easy to think, “I’m going to focus only on Pay Per Click/Search Engine paid ads, Retargeting and SEO because they will help me drive the most conversions.” This way of thinking is not entirely [...]

Do I need a call-to-action in my digital ads?

The short answer is “yes.”  A picture and a logo typically aren’t going to get you good results.  Look at this stat: Effective digital advertising is not really about “clicks” or “likes.” In fact, most people don’t click on ads (the national average Click Thru Rate is .07% meaning less than 1 in 1000 people click on an ad). Having [...]

By |2024-07-25T17:01:55+00:00August 23, 2016|Categories: Conversions, CTR, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

The Question Digital Salespeople Should Always Ask

The client has committed and you got the sale. Great! The next thing you should ask this client is, “How will you evaluate if this campaign is successful?” Often in our excitement of getting the order we overlook this extremely important question. If you don’t know how the client will be judging the effectiveness of the digital ad spend, you [...]

Landing Pages: The Key to Conversions

Landing pages are specific pages on your website that someone lands on after they click or engage with an advertisement that are used to get a viewer to fill out a form, sign up for something, or to call someone. These actions are what we call conversions, and they are what every digital marketing campaign strives for. One of the best [...]

What will my traffic/clicks be from my digital ad campaign?

There are two questions advertisers typically want to know about their advertising campaign:  how much traffic will my website get (aka how many clicks will I get) and how many leads will I get from my digital ad campaign.  If you’re a digital salesperson, you should be able to answer these questions, and if you’re an advertiser, you should ask [...]

Google AdWords Announces Cross Device Conversion Tracking

Remember the days when the only place you could access the internet was through a clunky, heavy desktop computer?  Those clunky computers may seem like a distant memory compared to the dozens of choices tech users have when they want to explore the internet.  Today’s tech users juggle multiple devices like laptops, mobile devices, tablets and now even watches that [...]

What Is A “View-Through” And Why Should I Care?

Google recommends that advertisers track View-Through Conversions. Here’s what Google says, “Measure the success of your display ad campaigns by using View-Through Conversions… View-Through Conversions are what happens when a customer sees an ad (but doesn’t click), and then later completes a conversion on your site.” In order to track View-Throughs, a pixel code is placed on your website. Google [...]

Desktop is Not Dead! The Evolution of Desktop and Mobile Marketing

Desktops computers soared to popularity in the 1990’s and became a household item, like a microwave, or a television.  In the 2000’s a new normal revolutionized on the go technology with mobile phones.  The evolution of mobile phone technology ultimately lead to the status quo of the smartphone, which are ultimately monopolized by Android and Apple.  Easy access to calendars, [...]

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