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How Data And Digital Analytics Can Drive Your Business Forward

Technology has changed consumer behavior and disrupted many business sectors over the last 15 years. The touch points to connect and engage consumers now require new marketing channels.  Advertisers are harnessing innovation and data to drive marketing decisions. Today, online marketing may include, retargeting, behavioral and keyword targeting, video, SEO, mobile conquesting, native advertising, social media and blogging to name [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:40+00:00December 29, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , |

The Question Digital Salespeople Should Always Ask

The client has committed and you got the sale. Great! The next thing you should ask this client is, “How will you evaluate if this campaign is successful?” Often in our excitement of getting the order we overlook this extremely important question. If you don’t know how the client will be judging the effectiveness of the digital ad spend, you [...]

How Can Digital Salespeople Prove ROI To Their Clients?

It’s great news to see that 56% of small and medium sized businesses are planning to increase their budgets in 2016.   Of particular interest is that many will be concentrating those increases on digital marketing.   For those of us in the online advertising world this is indeed great news, but behind this lies a problem. Almost half of [...]

How Many Leads Will I Get From My Digital Ad Campaign?

In last week’s post we tackled “What will my traffic/clicks be from my digital ad campaign?” and now we will cover the follow up question that advertisers usually have… “How many leads will I get from my digital ad campaign?” This question is basically asking, what ROI can I expect from my digital advertising? Well, you need to have an [...]

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