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Unleash the Power of Forms to Amplify Your Strategy

Welcome to the ultimate guide on amplifying your marketing game! Today, we're diving deep into a tool that might seem modest but packs a mighty punch: forms. Yep, you heard that right! We're about to explore how forms can be your secret weapon in elevating engagement, gathering insights, and driving conversions like never before. So buckle up and get ready [...]

What is Cross Platform Targeting and How Does it Work?

In order to understand Cross Platform Advertising, it’s important to first understand its foundation, Mobile Conquesting™, one of our most popular products. It’s also one of the more advanced and sophisticated products we offer. With Mobile Conquesting™, targeting people on their mobile devices (smart phones and tablets), we have the ability to target people by online behaviors and offline behaviors. [...]

How Does Mobile Targeted Advertising Work?

Let’s face it…people love their smart phones. Really! And…they can’t really live without them. What would consumers give up instead of their smartphones? Here’s what the Boston Consulting Group found in their survey. We have our phones attached to us at all times, in some form. Whether it’s in your purse, in your pocket, in your bag, or, in most [...]

How To Get Conversions With Your Digital Ad Campaign

When is the last time you were immediately compelled to take action on a digital ad? You saw something and BAM! A need you maybe were not even aware of suddenly became so apparent and obvious that you had no other choice but to act, and act now? That is the ultimate goal of a digital campaign. To speak so [...]

By |2024-08-18T20:48:38+00:00August 19, 2020|Categories: Conversions, Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

Do You Know What Consumers are Doing Once They Land on Your Website?

I am so passionate about conversions that when I talk about them, I have this image of Madonna signing “Con-ver-sions” into a microphone with her white gloves on, to the same tune and beat as “Like a Virgin”- Anyone else? No? Well, you should! Conversions can take a mediocre digital campaign and make it a stellar digital campaign. Why all [...]

What techniques are most popular for Professional Services?

According to a survey by BIA’s Local Advertising Forecast, the professional service industries will spend $2.5 Billion on mobile ads in 2019.  These industries include law firms and legal businesses along with engineering, architects and computer/technology services.  These are the industries that will spend the most. Other industries within this vertical include accounting (CPAs), advertising agencies, photography services, and more. [...]

Do Credit Unions Utilize Digital Advertising?

In short, the answer is yes!  But, to get a good look at what works and what doesn’t, let’s take a deeper dive into how much they are spending, and what they are spending that money on. According to, Credit Unions spend between $9.92 – $14.83 per member on advertising.  Now, that number can vary depending on the size [...]

How Do I Get Renewals From My Clients?

If you’re asking this on your way in to get a renewal, you’re already too late…. First, let’s look at some of the most common reasons renewals DON’T happen: 1. You didn’t hold a proper Customer Needs Analysis meeting because you don’t have access to the end client. 2. You assume what the client’s goals are without discussing it with [...]

What Is A Good Click Through Landing Page?

What is a “landing page”? It’s the page of your website that people land on after clicking your ad. Should that be your home page? Maybe, but maybe not. Having the right info on a landing page DRAMATICALLY increases your conversions (getting people to take the next step). Here are some tips for what makes a great landing page: 1. [...]

How Do I Boost Leads on My Website?

As digital trends and products evolve, and marketers strive to understand online consumer behavior, a common question we get is how to accelerate the number of leads on a website. Making sure a website is SEO friendly, mobile-optimized, and well-designed is all extremely important, but one thing often over-looked is the ease of which to get information. That’s where Live [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:55:02+00:00December 26, 2018|Categories: Conversions, Digital Marketing, Live Chat, Online marketing|

The Steps For A Productive Digital Advertising Client Meeting

When going into a digital client needs analysis meeting it can be hard to determine where to start. There are so many products and options to consider it can be daunting to everyone involved. To avoid overwhelming clients with all the different possibilities, it is helpful to do your homework and research first. Prepping for the meeting: Use and [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:31+00:00December 15, 2018|Categories: client needs analysis, Conversions, Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

What Are Top Digital Advertising Industries For 2019? (Example)

As 2019 approaches, it’s imperative that we understand what’s working and continue to add fuel to the fire. Following up to our last blog about preparing for next year, we wanted to share with you some of the top industries spending money in Digital Marketng. Breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the country. Their individual spin on some classic [...]

Are You Looking For More Quality Conversions?

Conversions are pretty much the pot of gold for digital marketing.  Increasing your conversion rate is fundamental to your client's return on investment and make the most of your digital marketing budget. Vici manages thousands of campaigns and is constantly on the lookout for industry updates on the subject.  Here are some tips to increase your client’s conversion rate:     [...]

The best digital campaigns are expertly mixed, just like your favorite cocktail

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is easy to become enamored with products that are at the bottom of the sales funnel.  It would be easy to think, “I’m going to focus only on Pay-Per-Click/Search Engine paid ads, Retargeting and SEO because they will help me drive the most conversions.” This way of thinking is not entirely untrue as [...]

Do I need a call-to-action in my digital ads?

The short answer is “yes.”  A picture and a logo typically aren’t going to get you good results.  Look at this stat: Effective digital advertising is not really about “clicks” or “likes.” In fact, most people don’t click on ads (the national average Click Thru Rate is .07% meaning less than 1 in 1000 people click on an ad). Having [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:18+00:00August 23, 2016|Categories: Conversions, CTR, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

The Question Digital Salespeople Should Always Ask

The client has committed and you got the sale. Great! The next thing you should ask this client is, “How will you evaluate if this campaign is successful?” Often in our excitement of getting the order we overlook this extremely important question. If you don’t know how the client will be judging the effectiveness of the digital ad spend, you [...]

How To Create Successful Ads For Facebook News Feed

An ad campaign with good copy can still fail if it is partnered with bad ad creative. In order to avoid such failure, it is important to understand the key aspects of a good, successful ad. One aspect that I always suggest is to try to tailor the ad to the medium or platform on which it is running. For instance, [...]

Is My Digital Ad Working?

All digital campaigns measure clicks - as in how many people “clicked” on the ad. The Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is merely the beginning of the story.  CTR’s serve a purpose. They allow you to gauge the results of your digital campaign in a very simple form and these metrics are important – however, they do not provide the complete engagement picture. [...]

Matching Small Biz Digital Marketing Priorities To The Right Digital Product

Finding out what potential advertisers’ needs and goals are for a campaign is critical, but matching those to the right digital product is just as crucial. A majority of small businesses say that they will be spending more on digital marketing this year and a recent study details what they say are their primary goals and priorities. So let’s look at [...]

How Can Digital Salespeople Prove ROI To Their Clients?

It’s great news to see that 56% of small and medium sized businesses are planning to increase their budgets in 2016.   Of particular interest is that many will be concentrating those increases on digital marketing.   For those of us in the online advertising world this is indeed great news, but behind this lies a problem. Almost half of [...]

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