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How Restaurants Can Best Use Digital Advertising

It’s that time of year where we are all busy with all the things. From Thanksgiving through the end of the year, it seems like there is always something going on from holiday parties, kids holiday events at school, or just daily life. There is no doubt that retailers love this time of year, but one particular business that sees [...]

How Do You Sell Digital to Younger Buyers?

Growing up, my family consisted of my dad, my mom, my older brother, and myself. My parents had their own general contracting business up until they retired six years ago, so my brother and I had the privilege of watching firsthand the ups and downs of owning your own business. My brother now has a family of his own and [...]

How Can Political Candidates Use Digital for the 2024 Election?

SKIM THIS ARTICLE:Digital Dominance: Political candidates are shifting to digital advertising for the 2024 election, projected to consume 28% of campaign spending—up nearly triple since 2020. The use of Over-the-Top (OTT) ads allows for broad, targeted outreach, making it easier to engage voters regardless of location.Engagement Through Video: Video advertising remains crucial, with formats like Social Mirror ads designed to [...]

Are You Reaching Road Warriors This Summer?

When looking at the days of the week, my favorite day isn’t Saturday or Sunday, or even Friday; it’s Thursday. Thursday is when you’re close to the weekend and you have the whole weekend to look forward to, including a Friday night. May is my version of Thursday when it comes to months because we are getting so close to [...]

What Were the Most Popular Verticals in 2022?

December is always the month where we reflect on the last 12 months and see how we grew and what we can do to move forward. Personally, I like to see what technology thinks of how I lived my last 12 months with things like Spotify’s “Wrapped”, and Instagram’s “Top 9”. According to Spotify, I don’t branch out much with [...]

Are You Investing in Digital this Political Season?

The “ber” months are approaching quickly and that means cooler weather, reasons to eat a lot of pie, and everyone’s favorite- political season. That’s right, political season is already ramping up and we are seeing and hearing ads for all sorts of political races from local ballots to nationwide races. This year, political ad spending is set to smash records [...]

Are You Following the Proper Steps to Close Digital Sales?

ABC is an acronym for a lot of things. If you’re learning CPR, they teach you ABC to look for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. If you’re a parent, ABC could mean “Another Blowout Coming”. In the broadcasting world, ABC stands for American Broadcasting Company. In sales, ABC is most commonly known as “Always Be Closing”, and in this case, ABC [...]

How can I use Social Media Stories to promote my business?

Storytelling, one of society’s greatest tools in sharing the narrative that you want people to understand, has changed a lot since the days of fireside chats and Shakespearean stages.    If fact, stories in general have, in my opinion, been lost unless they are written in the pages of books. While the art of storytelling has reemerged over the last 6 [...]

Are You Reaching Consumers While they are Using Apps?

How many times have you been trying to hang a picture on a wall and you want to see if it’s level, but you’re too lazy to go out to the garage or basement and get a level? Well, now you don’t have to because there’s an app for that! There is also an app that you can use if [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

What Are Facebook Offer Ads?

Updated 1-6-22: Facebook Offer Ads were deprecated in October of 2021 My mom is the person that gives the best gifts. Every year she nails it and gets the most creative, most comfortable, practical gifts and every time I ask where she got it, she replies with “it was a QVC special!” I have been gifted the most amazing bed [...]

What are Social Mirror Ads?

Social Mirror ads mimic the look and feel of top social media platforms however, the ads appear not on the social platforms, but on thousands of other websites and apps and run across all devices. Each ad links back to the social platform it is mirroring and, has a second call to action button that links to the advertiser’s website! [...]

How Are You Reaching Consumers Impacted by the Pandemic?

I was at the grocery store the other day and as I was waiting to check out (six feet behind the person in front of me of course) I caught myself staring at the cashier. I was thinking that he looked familiar, but I could not put my finger on who it was or how I knew him. The more [...]

Are your digital political ads ready to go?

If you are talking to any clients or prospects about running digital ads for political, especially on Facebook or Instagram, it is time to close the sale and start executing. Facebook has released some new information about political advertising, and the restrictions are tighter than ever.  I’m highlighting Facebook as a product because political ads on the platform are so [...]

What Are Your Competitors Doing for Digital Advertising?

When I was selling radio advertising, one of the very first things I did when I would get a new business on the air is to tell them they were about to get a lot of phone calls from other media groups. Different radio stations were going to call and ask for a meeting, along with other TV stations, local [...]

What is a Lookalike Audience?

Have you ever been out with friends or met someone new, and right off the bat they tell you that you look like someone or have a doppelgänger? It’s always interesting to hear what they say next because it can completely change the mood of the night. Maybe it is someone that you will take as a compliment, or maybe [...]

Facebook Event: AI in Action

On Halloween Eve I stepped into the Los Angeles Facebook offices for an agency event called “AI in Action” a training focused on how using Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the Facebook platform can help enhance the overall performance of campaigns.  Their office was highly secure (three checkpoints with a government ID to get in) but once inside I was greeted [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:43:09+00:00October 31, 2019|Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Facebook|Tags: , , |

Social Media: When should you DIY and when should you enlist a digital expert?

There are absolutely times in life it is more cost effective to “Do it yourself.”  Before I take on a DIY project, I try to consider if I have three T’s, meaning do I have the tools, the training and the time. If all signs point to yes, I go for it! All three must be in place and it [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:54:23+00:00March 1, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook|Tags: , , , , |

How-To-Guide On Understanding Your Facebook Insights And Analytics

Most small businesses have a business Facebook Page but are you understanding the wealth of information you can get from Facebook about people who interact with your Page? This is our step-by-step guide to walk you through some of the most valuable information you might be interested in learning. Facebook calls their analytics “Insights” and you can access it right [...]

How do I target a specific audience on Facebook? (Example)

When developing your marketing strategy, it is important to make sure to identify your core audience. Targeting too broad, yields a lot of waste, narrowing in too thin, may exclude some ideal prospects. A happy medium of targeting is usually the best place to start. Targeting is critical. Ads relevant to your audience mean they are more likely to become [...]

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