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About Kiri Tamte-Horan

Kiri Tamte-Horan is the Director of Digital Operations at Vici, and oversees the stellar Philadelphia Operations team through the development, implementation, and reporting of all digital campaigns. Kiri has managed hundreds of campaigns spanning Display, Video, and Social platforms, and has generated countless calls and conversions for clients across the country. Kiri is certified in Google Tag Manager and Acquisio, as well as Google AdWords Fundamentals and Display Advertising. Additionally, Kiri has a certification from Disney Institute’s Leadership Excellence. Kiri was the campaign manager for an award winning Digital Campaign as awarded by the Maryland Tourism Council in 2015.

Going Digital? Know your Audience.

Here at Vici we get asked a ton of questions about campaign optimization. One of the most popular questions is “What is the best way to target this specific group of people?” The answer to this question isn’t exactly straight forward, but there are a few things that can be done to help maximize exposure of a campaign to a [...]

Ad Spending 2020: Digital Video is King

Rarely does something compel me to write, but an article I came across on Business Insider did just that. Well, the chart that accompanied it did most of the work, take a look. Digital advertising has without a doubt been on the rise. With increasingly more people adopting a digital and mobile lifestyle, the value of digital content has skyrocketed. [...]

Chrome moves on without Flash. Finally.

Flash-based advertising has been around for a while, providing a way for digital advertisers to incorporate interactive, animated, and audio components into their ads. This type of advertising is often called "rich media creative" and often returns a higher CTR thanks to its ability to better engage a viewer. However, a huge player in the digital advertising world has decided it will [...]

By |2023-06-08T15:27:23+00:00September 10, 2015|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Google, HTML5, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Mobile App or Mobile Website?

Over the past few years, the number of people who own an internet capable mobile device has risen dramatically. According to the Pew Research Center, 64% of American adults own a smart phone and 42% of American adults own a tablet. These are very significant numbers that will only continue to grow. With the increase in mobile device adoption comes an increase [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:01+00:00August 28, 2015|Categories: Mobile, Uncategorized, Website|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Container Tags 101

If you want pixels for your campaign, container tags are essential.  A container tag is a snippet of code used in digital ad campaigns.  It makes it possible to track various campaign targets because it removes the need for multiple data tracking codes being placed directly on the site.   Instead, one code is placed across every page of a [...]

By |2023-06-08T15:27:31+00:00August 12, 2015|Categories: Digital Marketing, Pixel, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

How to Target the Hispanic Populations with Digital

Hispanic purchasing power is growing at more than two times the national rate, so marketing to this group is prudent for your brand.  However, it is still a mystery to many how to target the Hispanic population with digital advertising.  Below are a few ways to engage this demographic: One way is to target them through their mobile devices.  Hispanics [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:01+00:00August 4, 2015|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Optimize Your Campaign with Google Analytics

Are you ever curious what leads people to your website? Well there’s an easy way to check the keywords people are searching to find you. By using Google Analytics! Never checked this out before? Don’t fret, here’s how: Once you sign into your Google Analytics, look at the left hand column and click on Acquisition. Underneath Acquisition you’ll go to [...]

How To Reach Millennials With Your Digital Advertising

With over 171.5 million people owning a smartphone worldwide, it’s almost irregular not to have one. Of those 171 million, 85% of these owners are millennials. To go even further into millennial smartphone usage: 85% of Millennials aged 18-24 own smartphone devices and 86% aged 25-34 own them. However, while there is a divide amongst ages, there isn’t a divide between genders. [...]

Why We LOVE Canva

Have you ever struggled to make ad creative for your campaign? Well you’re in luck because there is a fabulous and free service called Canva. Canva is a great option for business owners or those who want to do-it-themselves to create quality graphics to market their company. Here’s how Canva helps the everyday business owner: Canva is super user friendly. [...]

Fat fingers? Never fear! Accidental clicks just got a lot harder to make.

How many times have you been scrolling along on your mobile phone and accidentally clicked on an advertisement? Well, you’re not alone. To address it, Google has implemented several changes to reduce accidental clicks on mobile display ads. First, Google has identified the border of an image as those areas are particularly prone to accidental clicks. If you tap the [...]

The Future of Digital Advertising 2015 vs 2019

Digital marketing is expected to have a bright future. As consumer behavior migrates online, so will advertiser spending. In fact, online advertising is expected to overtake TV advertising in size by 2019. Below is an infographic that details the amount of spending and where that spending will be allocated: TV advertising spending is projected to grow from 71.1 billion this [...]

Tips for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Who doesn’t want the best, especially when it comes to your digital campaigns? Well, good news because there are simple things you can do to optimize your campaign right now. These strategies are simple and easy to implement and will help your campaigns so you can see results. The first thing you’re going to want to do is focus on [...]

Is Mobile Eclipsing Desktop?

All around the cyber world, especially in the digital marketing universe, people are insisting that mobile usage will soon exceed PC usage. Although mobile usage has grown over the past few years, it has not eclipsed desktop usage. In fact, it seems as though desktop usage is increasing! According to the chart below from comScore, desktop usage has remained relatively [...]

Do Cookies Work on Mobile Phones? (Example)

A cookie is is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.  A cookie can track everything from the websites the user visits afterwards, their behavior, purchase decisions, etc.  Cookies can even deploy ads back to the user inviting them to revisit the original website.  [...]

Explaining the “View Through”

Think click-through rates (CTR) are the only way to manage engagement with your digital ads? WRONG!  View-through rate (VTR) can make a huge impact on your advertising strategy by showing what digital elements are working for your campaign.  A view-through measures someone seeing an ad, and then returning to your homepage through another channel, without clicking on the ad itself.  [...]

Digital Ad Spending Approaches 60 Billion This Year!

Digital Ad Spending is expected to reach about $60 Billion this year, and retailers will comprise 22% of that, or $12.9 billion. Retailers, by far, outpace all other industries. According to Victoria Petrock at eMarketer, “mobile, digital video, and programmatic buying are the brightest stars in the digital advertising lineup."Retailers will spend nearly twice as much as any other industry [...]

Call Tracking With Digital Advertising

Call tracking is very beneficial to not only your campaign, but your business as well. It gives you a unique opportunity to track which marketing efforts are generating phone calls.  Call tracking works by assigning a virtual number to a campaign which you can place in a PPC ad, video ad, on a mobile or desktop website or a display [...]

By |2023-06-08T15:27:52+00:00May 13, 2015|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Internet Advertising Is #1 In Total Ad Spending In 2014

It’s no secret that ad spending in digital is growing.  In fact, in 2014 the highest advertising revenue was directed towards the Internet.  According to the chart below, 49.5 billion dollars was spent in online advertising alone in 2014, making it the highest advertising media by revenue. These numbers are steadily growing.  According to a study done by Duke University, mobile [...]

Household IP Targeting: The Digital Replacement of Direct Mail

Let’s be honest, how often to you get advertisements through direct mail and how often does that marketing piece end up in the recycling bin?  Here's how direct mail stacks up: Just how much do consumers dislike direct mail?  51% of people have a negative/very negative reaction to receiving an advertising card or flier through direct mail. This is greater [...]

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