Call tracking is very beneficial to not only your campaign, but your business as well. It gives you a unique opportunity to track which marketing efforts are generating phone calls.  Call tracking works by assigning a virtual number to a campaign which you can place in a PPC ad, video ad, on a mobile or desktop website or a display ad.  With a call tracking number you know which ad campaign is responsible for a call and you have access to tracking information about that call as well.  For example, call tracking reports show you how many calls you received, what days/hours you receive the most calls, what geographic areas the calls are coming from and much more.  You even have the opportunity to go back and listen to the recorded calls and check that your customer service personnel are meeting customer needs.

Below is an infographic on how this tracking works:

Call Tracking

A call tracking number is an excellent way to measure which elements of your campaign are working the best. Conversions = sales so you need to know what are generating those conversions and how to get more of them.