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Is Mobile Eclipsing Desktop?

Is Mobile Eclipsing Desktop?

All around the cyber world, especially in the digital marketing universe, people are insisting that mobile usage will soon exceed PC usage. Although mobile usage has grown over the past few years, it has not eclipsed desktop usage. In fact, it seems as though desktop usage is increasing!

According to the chart below from comScore, desktop usage has remained relatively the same over the past two years whereas mobile is increasing:

“So mobile is overtaking desktop?” you may ask. However researchers have found that mobile is not usurping desktop, but rather fueling it. Mobile devices are actually unlocking new web time in the morning and the evening, while desktop traffic is dominating the work days. Mobile’s traffic is definitely growing, but that does not mean it is overtaking. Rather, as mobile grows so does desktop.

So next time you want to alter your strategy, ad sizes, or sites to cater to a mobile market, remember that mobile isn’t the only way to advertise. Have a good mix for both devices!

About the Author:

Kiri Tamte-Horan is the Director of Digital Operations at Vici, and oversees the stellar Philadelphia Operations team through the development, implementation, and reporting of all digital campaigns. Kiri has managed hundreds of campaigns spanning Display, Video, and Social platforms, and has generated countless calls and conversions for clients across the country. Kiri is certified in Google Tag Manager and Acquisio, as well as Google AdWords Fundamentals and Display Advertising. Additionally, Kiri has a certification from Disney Institute’s Leadership Excellence. Kiri was the campaign manager for an award winning Digital Campaign as awarded by the Maryland Tourism Council in 2015.
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