Hispanic purchasing power is growing at more than two times the national rate, so marketing to this group is prudent for your brand.  However, it is still a mystery to many how to target the Hispanic population with digital advertising.  Below are a few ways to engage this demographic:

One way is to target them through their mobile devices.  Hispanics use their smartphones for the same reasons everyone else does, however their web browsing is largely centered around mobile, not desktops or tablets.  Hispanics are more likely to subscribe to video-sharing apps, and pay for unlimited data. A great way to engage this audience is to have a strong mobile advertising campaign.

Another important point is to remember that translated does not equal tailored.  In general, your audience is more likely to respond to an ad if it is tailored to them.  Hispanics definitely fall within this group.  In fact, 65% of first generation Hispanics are more likely to try a brand that targets their ethnicity, as are 28% of second-generation Hispanics.  Although translating your message into Spanish is a great first step, it does not necessarily mean the ad is tailored to the user.  The Latino population is mostly ambilingual which means they switch between English and Spanish easily.  Your ads should be tailored to the way your target audience naturally speaks.

Video is integral to targeting the Hispanic population.  30% of this segment’s online time is spent watching videos, streaming twice as much as non-Hispanics.  In addition, using either display or video ad networks and behavioral categories to target the Hispanic population for your digital campaigns will be hugely beneficial.  For example, let’s say you want to reach Affluent Hispanic Women.  We can target your ads to our Affluent Ad Network, which are websites targeted to women with high household incomes, but your ads would only be shown to those women if they had their browsers set to Spanish.  There are many options for reaching this highly sought after audience!

Hispanic Targeting