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mobile web

Fat fingers? Never fear! Accidental clicks just got a lot harder to make.

How many times have you been scrolling along on your mobile phone and accidentally clicked on an advertisement? Well, you’re not alone. To address it, Google has implemented several changes to reduce accidental clicks on mobile display ads. First, Google has identified the border of an image as those areas are particularly prone to accidental clicks. If you tap the [...]

Tips for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Who doesn’t want the best, especially when it comes to your digital campaigns? Well, good news because there are simple things you can do to optimize your campaign right now. These strategies are simple and easy to implement and will help your campaigns so you can see results. The first thing you’re going to want to do is focus on [...]

Do Cookies Work on Mobile Phones? (Example)

A cookie is is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.  A cookie can track everything from the websites the user visits afterwards, their behavior, purchase decisions, etc.  Cookies can even deploy ads back to the user inviting them to revisit the original website.  [...]

Mobile Optimization- option or necessity?

I can’t even imagine a time when information wasn’t at our fingertips. When I am out with my friends and one of us has a question no one can answer, I can immediately pull out my phone (I am more attached to it than I’d like to admit), and answer their question within a minute. In turn, it makes sense [...]

Should you invest in a mobile app? Hmmm…maybe not.

Making an app for your business seems to be what everyone's doing right now. 2014 was even referred to as the “year of mobile," however, the roles mobile played in 2014 will be changing in 2015. Mobile is expected to become such a normal part of one’s daily life, it will eventually fade from consumers' consciousness. The differences between accessing the [...]

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