Search Results - IP

Tell me about your customer support?

Frankly, it's the best in the business and we will back that up with references from our clients.  Vici moves at the speed of your business.  Our Trainers and operations teams offer support in multiple time zones on the phone, via email, or login to our “Frequently Asked Questions” portal that gives you instant access to vast array of...

Landing Pages: The Key to Conversions

Landing pages are specific pages on your website that someone lands on after they click or engage with an advertisement that are used to get a viewer to fill out a form, sign up for something, or to call someone. These actions are what we call conversions, and they are what every digital marketing campaign strives for. One of the...

Career Opportunities

Job Title: Paid Internship Paid Internship - Remote Position- seeking both English and Bilingual (English and Spanish) Candidates Job Title: Digital Campaign Assistant Rate: $17/hour Location: Remote work from home position Hours Per Week – Minimum of 20 hours per week Time Frame: 3 months Vici Media is looking to add part-time Digital Marketing Assistants to our growing digital marketing team! Vici has been awarded the...

What is A/B testing, and how can I use it to my advantage?

Digital display advertising is great. It allows you to show potential customers more than just a few words. It is this style of advertising that tends to better engage viewers. However, creating an effective display ad is not always the easiest thing to do. Sure, it has become A LOT easier to actually create the ads, thanks to the...

Call Tracking: The Hidden Gem of Digital Advertising

When putting together a digital campaign, it is always important to figure out how you will track, monitor and evaluate them.The most common way is to look at a campaign report which will give you all sorts of useful data. However, there is one tool that is can help make the evaluation of your campaigns even more comprehensive. Call...

Tell me about your customer support?

Frankly, it's the best in the business and we'll back that up with references from our clients.   Vici moves at the speed of your business.  Our Trainers and operations teams offer support in multiple time zones on the phone, via email, or login to our “Frequently Asked Questions” portal that gives you instant access to vast array of answers...

Ad Blocking? Does It Matter To Advertisers?

(updated 1/24/16) Ad blocking continues to be the hot topic in digital. Ad blocking has been around a long time but is in the news because of the Apple release of iOS 9 which now allows developers to develop apps for the iPhone that block ads. Ad blocking is not part of the operating system, a user would need...

Going Digital? Know your Audience.

Here at Vici we get asked a ton of questions about campaign optimization. One of the most popular questions is “What is the best way to target this specific group of people?” The answer to this question isn’t exactly straight forward, but there are a few things that can be done to help maximize exposure of a campaign to...

Ad Spending 2020: Digital Video is King

Rarely does something compel me to write, but an article I came across on Business Insider did just that. Well, the chart that accompanied it did most of the work, take a look. Digital advertising has without a doubt been on the rise. With increasingly more people adopting a digital and mobile lifestyle, the value of digital content has skyrocketed....

Do You Understand Your Google Analytics Home Page?

If you have a website, you should have a website analytics software program loaded to track your website statistics. Google Analytics is a free program that adds a small snippet of code that is placed on all pages of a website. It gathers detailed statistics about a website’s traffic, traffic sources, even tracking conversions or sales. In this post, I’ll...

10 Questions To Ask Your Digital Advertising Company (part 2)

In case you missed it, yesterday we covered the first five questions you must be asking when making decisions on who you should trust with your digital dollars.   If you do any type of advertising it is likely that you have been approached by a digital advertising salesperson or digital advertising vendor.   With so many people seemingly toting the...

Mobile App or Mobile Website?

Over the past few years, the number of people who own an internet capable mobile device has risen dramatically. According to the Pew Research Center, 64% of American adults own a smart phone and 42% of American adults own a tablet. These are very significant numbers that will only continue to grow. With the increase in mobile device adoption comes an...

How Many Leads Will I Get From My Digital Ad Campaign?

In last week’s post we tackled “What will my traffic/clicks be from my digital ad campaign?” and now we will cover the follow up question that advertisers usually have… “How many leads will I get from my digital ad campaign?” This question is basically asking, what ROI can I expect from my digital advertising? Well, you need to have an...

Container Tags 101

If you want pixels for your campaign, container tags are essential.  A container tag is a snippet of code used in digital ad campaigns.  It makes it possible to track various campaign targets because it removes the need for multiple data tracking codes being placed directly on the site.   Instead, one code is placed across every page of...

“How To…” Take Advantage of a New Digital Marketing Trend

Do you know how to survive a shipwreck?  What about tie a tie, change a tire, apply makeup, dance the Whip/Nae Nae, or cook the perfect poached egg?  You can  learn these skills and more through step-by-step instructional videos on YouTube.  And consumer's love these handy tutorials.  Google says that YouTube how-to video searches have increased 70% this year...

Google AdWords Announces Cross Device Conversion Tracking

Remember the days when the only place you could access the internet was through a clunky, heavy desktop computer?  Those clunky computers may seem like a distant memory compared to the dozens of choices tech users have when they want to explore the internet.  Today’s tech users juggle multiple devices like laptops, mobile devices, tablets and now even watches...

How To Reach Millennials With Your Digital Advertising

With over 171.5 million people owning a smartphone worldwide, it’s almost irregular not to have one. Of those 171 million, 85% of these owners are millennials. To go even further into millennial smartphone usage: 85% of Millennials aged 18-24 own smartphone devices and 86% aged 25-34 own them. However, while there is a divide amongst ages, there isn’t a divide between genders....

“Above The Fold” Digital Ads – It Matters!

The average drop in viewability between above the fold ads and below the fold ads is 84%.  In one eyetracking study the difference was found to be as high as 102%! Above the fold positioning of ads means that the ad appears before someone has to scroll. As the numbers above indicate, where your ad falls on a webpage greatly...

How the Millennial Smartphone Addiction Can Benefit You

Do millennials ever put their phones down? No.  In fact, 24% of millennials attached themselves to their smartphones less than 5 minutes after waking up.  An even more astounding 52% of millennials start using their smart phones just after being awake for 5 minutes.  Throughout the rest of the day, these digital obsessed millennials are likely to check their smartphones...

Just What Is An Effective CTA?

CTA is Call-To-Action!  You can have the greatest digital strategy implemented but if your ads don’t have an equally great CTA – a compelling reason for the person to click or convert - then your campaign will not get the results you want. So, just what is an effective CTA?  Something that reaches out and grabs your potential customer and...

Shop ‘Til You Drop: Digital Influence on Retail Sales Hits $2.2 Trillion

Could this be the end of coupon mailers and Sunday ads? The year 2015 has shown an immense positive correlation between digital advertising and in-store retail sales.  Digital advertising is expected to influence 64 cents of every dollar spent in retail stores, or $2.2 trillion, by the end of this year. This figure has grown considerably since 2012, where digital advertising...

White Labeled Digital Services for Media Groups

We are not just tech people. Each of our Founding Partners at Vici Media has a background in traditional media as sales people and sales managers who just happened to start a digital advertising company, We understand traditional media and know how to integrate digital advertising into your offerings without cannibalizing your existing revenue! We have successful media...

Digital Ad Spending Approaches 60 Billion This Year!

Digital Ad Spending is expected to reach about $60 Billion this year, and retailers will comprise 22% of that, or $12.9 billion. Retailers, by far, outpace all other industries. According to Victoria Petrock at eMarketer, “mobile, digital video, and programmatic buying are the brightest stars in the digital advertising lineup." Retailers will spend nearly twice as much as any other industry...

Does My Business HAVE to Blog? Yes.

As a business owner, you may have asked yourself- What is the point of blogging?  What do I blog about?  Do I HAVE to blog? Yes. Not only do you have to, but you want to. As of May 2015, there were more than 47 billion Web pages indexed on Google.  Instead of letting the 47,000,000,000 other pages intimidate you, educate...

White Labeled Digital Services for Agencies

Agencies big and small across the country love working with Vici Media! Why? Because we make you look like digital rock stars. We have cutting-edge digital products and reporting that will wow your clients. We have unparalleled customer service to support your growing business. And the best part? We make agencies lots of money,...

Internet Advertising Is #1 In Total Ad Spending In 2014

It’s no secret that ad spending in digital is growing.  In fact, in 2014 the highest advertising revenue was directed towards the Internet.  According to the chart below, 49.5 billion dollars was spent in online advertising alone in 2014, making it the highest advertising media by revenue. These numbers are steadily growing.  According to a study done by Duke University, mobile...

Digital And Automotive Dealers…By The Numbers

A new report by NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) has some fascinating information about how automotive dealerships are using digital advertising and where they are spending their ad budgets overall.  Here are some highlights from the report for 2014: This was the fifth year of growth for automotive sales, with the average growth rate up over 9 percent since 2010....

Can Less Than 3 Seconds Of A Video Ad Have An Impact?

Nielsen recently tackled a question that many advertisers have regarding video advertising.  How much does the ad benefit me (if at all) if the person skips it after a few seconds?  The answer, their research shows, is…a lot! The study found significant lift in ad recall, brand awareness and purchase consideration even for people who saw the video before it started...

Your Secret Weapon to Increasing SEO Rankings: Video

Think you've pulled out all the stops for your SEO campaign?  Go bigger!  You may have the basics: inbound links, a blog, optimized keywords, and many more strategies in place to boost your organic search rankings.  While these are effective, take an extra step to set your business apart by creating a video.  The video can be anything- a biography...

What Does Google Know About Your Search History?

Ever wonder just what does Google know about my search history?  Think that when you delete your browser cache that also deletes it from Google’s servers? Cue the Jaws theme song music…WRONG! If you want to know what Google has on you (yes, it’s a little scary) the search giant has quietly rolled out a new function that allows you...

So You Have a Bad Online Review, What Now?

Online reputation management consists of monitoring, improving and maintain the publicly available online information about your business. As the internet becomes more mobile, on-the-go and fast-paced, it becomes much easier for your customers to research the good and the bad about your company.  Not only is it easier for customers to find reviews about your company, it is also extremely...

Three Free Tools to Better Understand Your Website’s SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a incredibly powerful digital marketing strategy.  The more organic traffic to your website, the more leads, and better site navigation means more leads turning into business.  No website is the same, so it can take many different combinations of statistics and information to gain the most insight on how to run the best SEO...

How Do I Install My Mobile Redirect on My WordPress Site?

Your mobile optimized site is complete!  You’ve beat the April 21 Google deadline and your mobile site is ready to ensure your customers the most user-friendly website experience of their lives, right?  Not so fast.  Now it is time to make sure your site visitors are properly redirected from your desktop site to the mobile optimized site. Redirect scripts are...

Behavioral Targeting: what is it and why does it matter?

There’s a reason display ads are so widely used: they get results.   To take your digital marketing to the next level, we suggest our clients add behavioral targeting to the mix.  Like retargeting, behavioral targeting uses online tracking to follow a user’s web-browsing behavior and compiles that data to determine what ad to display to that user. There are three major...

How Will Building a (M.) Mobile Website Affect My SEO?

Mobile Websites.  You’ve heard the hype, you’ve seen the Google announcements, you know that mobile sites are not only recommended but soon-to-be mandatory on April 21st if your business wishes to maintain a successful Google search ranking. Now that you know your site has to be mobile responsive or optimized within the next month, you may be on your way...

My Bounce Rate is Too High. What Should I Do?

It’s a little troublesome having a high bounce rate. This essentially means that a user was on your page and then left (bounced) rather than continuing to view other pages. A high bounce rate is a conversion killer. Because bounce rate measures people who bounced off a single page, it shows that they didn’t explore other pages of your website....

Reputation Management and SEO, Two Peas in a Pod

“If you lose money for the firm, I will be understanding.  If you lose reputation, I will be ruthless,” said Warren Buffet. Reputation management  has become a necessary component to many successful businesses in the internet age where any customer can say anything about their experience with a company's product or services.  A company’s reputation can be permanently tarnished with...

Mobile Optimization- option or necessity?

I can’t even imagine a time when information wasn’t at our fingertips. When I am out with my friends and one of us has a question no one can answer, I can immediately pull out my phone (I am more attached to it than I’d like to admit), and answer their question within a minute. In turn, it makes...

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly by April 21 or Lose Traffic

You've heard it here: mobile devices are the hottest platforms for effective digital marketing strategies.  Not sold on the mobile marketing trend yet?  This may change your mind,  because for the first time ever, not having a responsive or optimized mobile site can negatively impact your businesses' success. Starting April 21, Google will be penalizing websites that are not optimized or responsive to...

Mobile Tops eCommerce in Traffic, Trails in Sales

You might be in the East Coast stuck in your house with snow up to your roof, or you might be in the West Coast lounging in the sun avoiding going indoors.  Either way, is your mobile phone in your hand?  If not, is it more than three feet from your hand?  Most likely not.    The population's addiction to...

So retargeting will cause my ad to follow people? CREEPY!

There is a fine, fine line between being creepy and being, let’s say, involved. Marketers love the idea of retargeting. It’s personalized advertising! You are following someone around online who recently visited your website and showed an interest in your product. What could go wrong? Well, to those who don’t have an understanding of retargeting, it can be a...

Valentine’s Day: A Digital Marketing Love Affair

Looking for a Valentine’s Day gift that will win your sweetheart over?  Look no further than your favorite digital device. Valentine’s Day is known not only for love and romance, but also for business and consumer driven behaviors: shopping and advertising.  According to, data from recent years shows that couples are not the only consumers driven to spend this...

The Agile Marketing Phenomenon!

Getting involved with digital marketing is one of the smartest things you can do for your business. Digital marketing gives consumers the access to products and information at any time or anywhere. While it’s not impossible to run a business without digital marketing, your company would be at a severe disadvantage. However, when approaching this field, it’s important to...

The Power of the View-Through

How many display ads do you think you are exposed to in one day?  Tens, twenties or even hundreds?  Believe it or not, the number falls closer to the upper levels of the spectrum. Between the countless billboards, magazines, television and internet ads we pass by hundreds of times a day, it is apparent that display advertising has made a...

We Are A (Insert Your Type Of Company Here), Do We Really Need To Blog?

The short answer? Yes! I recently was talking with the owner of a plumbing company and I told him that he needed to add a blog to his website. His response? “Who the *&!# is going to read a blog about plumbing?” Fair enough. I explained to him that the purpose of a blog is not just to educate and...

Don’t Make the Same Digital Marketing Mistakes in 2015

At only 2 weeks into the new year, there have been plenty of new tips created on how to make 2015 your most successful year yet.  But reading lists on top of lists about what your business should be doing but isn't doing yet can be intimidating and overwhelming.  It takes time for you and your consumers to adapt...

Want More Conversions? Offer Less Options!

Giving people too many options or asking them for too much information can quickly reduce your conversions. For example, a study found that by reducing the number of options on your website’s “contact us” form from 6 to 3, you can increase your conversion rate an average of 66%.  Even changing something like the “submit” button can increase your...

Mobile Window Shopping: Look but Don’t Buy

As smart phone usage increases rapidly in America, the technical abilities of new phones become more and more advanced to add convenience to their users’ lives.  The smart phone population realized that their phone is essentially a mini desktop computer that allows them to fulfill any task on the web without the constrictions of desktop computers or even Wi-Fi. Despite...