Looking for a Valentine’s Day gift that will win your sweetheart over?  Look no further than your favorite digital device.

Valentine’s Day is known not only for love and romance, but also for business and consumer driven behaviors: shopping and advertising.  According to momentology.com, data from recent years shows that couples are not the only consumers driven to spend this Valentine’s Day- gifts for family members, co-workers, teachers, friends and self-gifts also drive huge increases in spending.

Valentines Day

The National Retail Federation predicts $18.9 billion in digital spending this Valentine’s Day.

In order to increase personal B2C marketing, businesses must personalize the marketing experience to ensure that their customers will see their products on any digital channel they use.  ClickZ defines the marketing term personalization as the desire for relevance and results in ongoing, individualized interactions with the consumer.  This personalization requires the ability to access your customer specifically through omnichannel marketing strategies.

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for businesses to explore new marketing strategies and to determine which strategies will be most successful year round.

Businesses and brands thrive during Valentine’s Day-  data collected on Valentine’s Day 2014 showed a 24% increase in conversions.

MarketingProfs shows that on Valentine’s Day 2013, mobile sales accounted for 37% of online traffic and 17% of total online sales.  As consumers grow increasingly attached to their mobile phones and as businesses increase their digital marketing knowledge, those numbers are sure to increase for Valentine’s Day 2015.

Valentines Day Blog Post

These spending trends also unveiled a few key findings about men and women’s digital shopping habits:

  • 32% of men and 30% of women are like to click on targeting offers when looking for a Valentine’s Day gift.
  • 78% of women and 73% of meek seek personalization to engage online and through mobile phones to support their Valentine’s Day gift buying for secondary purchases.
  • Women prefer shopping on tablets over smartphones and seeking price comparison information more than men.
  • More than half of men and 42% of women say they would not wait more than 5 seconds for a web page or image to load.

Although it is easy to segment men and women into majorities and percentages as listed above, not all shoppers are created equal.  Each shopper is more likely to respond to an offer depending on how convenient it is to their needs, their devices, and importance.

Businesses need to learn to speak with their customers in a way that is custom and relevant to their needs in order to maintain a happy relationships.  So share the love with your customers this Valentine’s Day and give them the marketing experience that they want.