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Vici Media

OTT/Video Pre-Roll/Linear TV…What’s The Difference?

Video ads keeping getting more popular with advertisers and brands are seeing the value. 85% of brands use video marketing in 2020, which is up from 63% in 2017. According to the iab, nearly 3 in 4 buyers are planning to increase their digital video ad spend in the next 12 months, and nearly two-thirds of digital budgets are allocated [...]

What is Mobile Conquesting Address Targeting and How Does It Work?

With the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve seen a consumer shift like no other.   With millions of people out of work or working from home, their behavior with devices while quarantined has dramatically changed.  Advertisers need a way to target their customers when they are at home on their mobile devices.  With our new Address Targeting product, we have that solution. Being [...]

Facebook Event: AI in Action

On Halloween Eve I stepped into the Los Angeles Facebook offices for an agency event called “AI in Action” a training focused on how using Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the Facebook platform can help enhance the overall performance of campaigns.  Their office was highly secure (three checkpoints with a government ID to get in) but once inside I was greeted [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:36+00:00October 31, 2019|Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Facebook|Tags: , , |

What Are Top Digital Advertising Industries For 2019? (Example)

As 2019 approaches, it’s imperative that we understand what’s working and continue to add fuel to the fire. Following up to our last blog about preparing for next year, we wanted to share with you some of the top industries spending money in Digital Marketng. Breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the country. Their individual spin on some classic [...]

Do Video Ads Work For Small Businesses?

Video.  Is it worth the investment to have a video created and include it in your digital marketing?  The answer is yes. In almost every aspect of Digital Marketing, we have seen not only an increase in using video, but an increase in the interaction with digital ads created by businesses. (photo credit: Ad Week) According to SingleGrain: 70% of [...]

New Enhancement to Mobile Conquesting™: Announcing Audience DNA

MOBILE CONQUESTING’S™ AUDIENCE DNA The mark of a truly great digital ad campaign is the ability to learn from the results you a see and apply what you learned to future campaigns, allowing the campaign to sharpen over time.  Now you can learn about your audience as you’re marketing to them through Mobile Conquesting’s™ Audience DNA. WHAT IS AUDIENCE DNA? [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:47:04+00:00September 24, 2018|Categories: mobile conquesting|Tags: , , , , , |

Opinion: My Love/Hate Relationship with Google’s “Walled Garden”

As Google has advanced as a search engine, it has rolled out many features aimed at getting users information as fast as possible.  Included in Google’s search engine results are things like the Google Knowledge Graph, which appears if a business has an updated Google Business listing, showcasing information like the address, phone number, business hours, reviews, and even a [...]

The Latest and Greatest Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is a hot commodity among advertisers around the country, as consumers spend more and more time on their mobile devices daily. Our Mobile Conquesting products have many advanced features, including geo-fencing, behavioral/location/brand targeting, dynamically updated ads, weather triggered ads, geo-retargeting, geo-lookalike targeting, and also the ability to track in-store visits. The most amazing thing about digital marketing is [...]

How To Be A Digital Marketing Guru

Because you are reading this, it is likely that you and your team have now completed your digital training. (if you haven’t, click here and get on board!  You make the effort to keep up to date on all things digital through ongoing education and weekly webinars. You know your stuff and you have put it into action! You have [...]

The Rules for Political Advertising on Facebook Have Changed

From Russia, with Love? Recently both Facebook and advertisers are scratching their heads on how to handle US political advertising, given the allegations that Russians may have meddled with the previous presidential election with large amounts of paid propaganda sweeping our feeds.  Over the last several weeks Facebook has swiftly responded with added security measures for all political advertising to [...]

Meet Megan “Sully” Sullivan and Shay Edwards

Vici is excited to welcome Megan "Sully" Sullivan and Shay Edwards to the team!  They are both based out of the Philadelphia location.   Sully’s background is in digital marketing, corporate relations, and promotions, while Shay's expertise is in marketing, communications, and social media management.  During our last hiring cycle we had hundreds of potential ad buyers apply and these [...]

Buying Premium Placement on Facebook

Vici knows a little bit about Facebook and Instagram campaigns.  Looking back over the last year we’ve run a little under a billion impressions, resulting hundreds of thousands of conversions for our partners and their clients.  In my last post I talked about why I loved Facebook’s new Collection Ads, an ad unit seemingly only utilized by national brands in [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:29+00:00April 27, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

How Vici Hires Top Talent

Update: Facebook shuttered Jobs on Facebook (February 2023) and Instant Articles (April 2023) We are extraordinarily proud of the team we’ve built here at Vici, but as with all systems we utilize, hiring takes constant refinement.  People on our staff are not only marketing savvy, smart, and thoughtful, but also have an inherit want to be customer-focused.  These are technology [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:28+00:00September 14, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, recruitment|Tags: , , |

Meet Cierra Roberts

  Vici is excited to welcome Cierra Roberts, Digital Campaign Coordinator, to the team!  Cierra is based out of the Philadelphia location.   Her impressive background includes a wide variety of experience in the digital world including digital marketing, advertising, and PR.  She loves to combine her passion of digitalization and unique media background to bring marketing visions and goals [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:46:48+00:00June 27, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , |

Want people to show up to your event? Try an “Event Response” Ad

I worked a bunch of odd gigs in college to get extra money (for beer).  One of my favorite was being hired as a "brand ambassador" which meant I was promoting the sponsor's event by passing out flyers or putting postcards underneath windshield wipers.   But gone are the days of brands relying on gum chewing teenagers to help get the [...]

Traditional and Digital Together Improves Purchase Intent

It is a well-known fact that digital platforms have transformed how people do business these days.  The influence of digital on the shopping journey is impacting how people shop and make decisions about products and services in which they are interested.  It is also setting new digital expectations of retailers in terms of how they help their customers gather pertinent [...]

2017 SEO Trends for Small Businesses

As reliable as New Year’s Resolutions, so are the articles about 2017 trends.  This year is no exception with entries from all walks of life, from catering to Social Media and all points in between.  For small businesses and SEO, 2016 was a year of great change, and 2017 promises to offer even more change.  Below are my thoughts on [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:22+00:00February 1, 2017|Categories: SEO, Small business strategy, Website|Tags: , , |

Why digital advertising in 2017?

Digital advertising allows you to craft an extremely targeted and measurable campaign. If you are not already implementing digital into your overall marketing plan, it’s time to explore the possibilities! Don’t make the mistake of thinking that digital is only for large corporations. Digital is affordable and allows small and medium sized businesses a solid chance to compete for targeted [...]

Using Mobile Conquesting™ for Holiday Marketing

Year after year, Christmas is one of the biggest seasons for consumer engagement campaigns. Holiday promotions and interactive content are an excellent way to get a piece of the warm holiday feeling during this time of year! Also important during the season is being able to reach people on their smartphone while they are out and about.  The solution? Mobile [...]

2017 Planning: Marketing Budgets Have Gone Up (Again!)

Not every small business has the luxury of having a full-time Marketing Director on payroll, leaving those without a lot of marketing experience scratching their heads when planning for 2017.  With the pressure to have every dollar spent promoting the business coming back as a positive return on investment it can be tricky to balance how much to spend to [...]

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