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search engine

Local Searches? 64% Don’t Start With A Search Engine

When performing a local search online, many would think that Google-ing it would be the preferred method of inquiry. However, according to a recent study by IDC Custom Solutions, the process is actually quite varied. According to their study, only 36% of individuals performing a local search start with a search engine. What does this mean? Well instead of going to [...]

Your Secret Weapon to Increasing SEO Rankings: Video

Think you've pulled out all the stops for your SEO campaign?  Go bigger!  You may have the basics: inbound links, a blog, optimized keywords, and many more strategies in place to boost your organic search rankings.  While these are effective, take an extra step to set your business apart by creating a video.  The video can be anything- a biography for [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:23+00:00April 28, 2015|Categories: SEO, Uncategorized, Videos|Tags: , , , , , |

How to optimize your SEO strategy.

Let’s face it, these days SEO (search engine optimization) is essential. What SEO does is create an exceptional user experience and communicates your strategies to search engines so they will recommend your website for relevant searches. Here are three simple ways to optimize your SEO, and reach more consumers around the web. Be relevant. AKA organize your website to comply [...]

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