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bounce rate

Do You Know What Consumers are Doing Once They Land on Your Website?

I am so passionate about conversions that when I talk about them, I have this image of Madonna signing “Con-ver-sions” into a microphone with her white gloves on, to the same tune and beat as “Like a Virgin”- Anyone else? No? Well, you should! Conversions can take a mediocre digital campaign and make it a stellar digital campaign. Why all [...]

Digital Ad Terms You Need To Know

A/B Testing: When you compare different versions of digital ads or website landing pages to see which one performs better. An A/B test for digital ads would be running two different versions of ad creative and then measuring which version gets a higher engagement from viewers. Above The Fold: This is a term from the print advertising industry. In digital, [...]

Google Analytics: Unlocking the insights in the Audience Overview Report

If knowledge is power than knowledge of Google Analytics is a super power. In a previous post I covered how to understand the Home Page of Google Analytics. In this post, we’ll tackle the Audience Overview Report. This report gives you basic information about a website’s performance and traffic. You can navigate to this report by first logging in to Google [...]

Do You Understand Your Google Analytics Home Page?

If you have a website, you should have a website analytics software program loaded to track your website statistics. Google Analytics is a free program that adds a small snippet of code that is placed on all pages of a website. It gathers detailed statistics about a website’s traffic, traffic sources, even tracking conversions or sales. In this post, I’ll [...]

By |2023-06-08T15:27:22+00:00September 15, 2015|Categories: Google, Google Analytics, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Three Free Tools to Better Understand Your Website’s SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a incredibly powerful digital marketing strategy.  The more organic traffic to your website, the more leads, and better site navigation means more leads turning into business.  No website is the same, so it can take many different combinations of statistics and information to gain the most insight on how to run the best SEO campaign.  [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:53:55+00:00April 8, 2015|Categories: SEO, Uncategorized, Website|Tags: , , , , , |

My Bounce Rate is Too High. What Should I Do?

It’s a little troublesome having a high bounce rate. This essentially means that a user was on your page and then left (bounced) rather than continuing to view other pages. A high bounce rate is a conversion killer. Because bounce rate measures people who bounced off a single page, it shows that they didn’t explore other pages of your website. [...]

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