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organic search

How does Google My Business Help My Business during the holidays?

There are so many digital terms floating around water coolers and company meetings.  One of those terms is “Google My Business Listing.”   Has this term come up in conversation around your marketing team?  Your executive team?   If the answer is no, then pay attention.  This is going to be a great tool to help your company.  If the answer is [...]

Free Ways To Boost A Website’s Organic Search Ranking

One of the things I get asked about by our clients is how they can better the search engine ranking of their website - especially on Google.  Of course, one way is have a company (like Vici!) undertake a Search Engine Optimization campaign for you.  But there are also a number of free things you can do as well.  One [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:55:00+00:00March 22, 2016|Categories: SEO, Uncategorized, Website|Tags: , , , |

Your Secret Weapon to Increasing SEO Rankings: Video

Think you've pulled out all the stops for your SEO campaign?  Go bigger!  You may have the basics: inbound links, a blog, optimized keywords, and many more strategies in place to boost your organic search rankings.  While these are effective, take an extra step to set your business apart by creating a video.  The video can be anything- a biography for [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:23+00:00April 28, 2015|Categories: SEO, Uncategorized, Videos|Tags: , , , , , |

Search Retargeting, Keyword Targeting, and PPC: What’s the difference?!

Well, they’re all good ways to optimize your digital campaign! Search retargeting, keyword targeting, and PPC (pay-per-click) are all forms of keyword advertising, and oftentimes get confused for one another.  While they are similar in some aspects, they each have unique responsibilities that make them different. Outlined below is the function each one serves: Keyword Targeting is probably the most [...]

How to optimize your SEO strategy.

Let’s face it, these days SEO (search engine optimization) is essential. What SEO does is create an exceptional user experience and communicates your strategies to search engines so they will recommend your website for relevant searches. Here are three simple ways to optimize your SEO, and reach more consumers around the web. Be relevant. AKA organize your website to comply [...]

What is SEO and Why Does it Matter?

SEO is a digital marketing tool that has blown up in the last 3 years from a new “trend” to a marketing staple that has endured the ever-changing strategies and rules of digital marketing. According to Search Engine Land, SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial,” or “natural” search results on [...]

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