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About Dana

Dana Bojcic (how do you pronounce that? Boy-chich) is a Senior Partner with Vici and Google Analytics Certified. Dana is an experienced trainer and coach of salespeople and managers. Her background includes working for advertising agencies and as a certified Talent Analyst.

What’s the best way to reach Hispanic consumers with digital ads?

In some instances, getting the right message to the right person in the right language is as simple as asking them to push a button.  “For English, Press One. Para Español, Marque Número Dos.” In digital, it is even easier; the button is already pushed as their preferred language is already selected on their browser. How do you reach the audience [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:22+00:00August 29, 2017|Categories: Digital Media|Tags: , , , |

Digital Ad Reports Are Great But What About The Big Picture?

I receive a lot of digital ads. I’m targeted as much as the next consumer, and the most intriguing digital messages and offers absolutely shine through the clutter enough for me to open my wallet and become a customer. In fact, I made a purchase because of a digital ad just this morning. In this case, I was served a [...]

The best digital campaigns are expertly mixed, just like your favorite cocktail

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is easy to become enamored with products that are at the bottom of the sales funnel.  It would be easy to think, “I’m going to focus only on Pay-Per-Click/Search Engine paid ads, Retargeting and SEO because they will help me drive the most conversions.” This way of thinking is not entirely untrue as [...]

Native advertising is one of the hottest areas of online advertising

Digital ad spending is steadily rising, and no area is intensifying faster than native advertising.   Native ads come in many forms, but all share the common goal of not “looking” like an ad.  Native ads match the look, feel and visual context of the website where they are seen. They can run across all devices or be specified mobile only, and [...]

How often do IP addresses change? (Example)

Household IP targeting is the perfect product to use when you need to target one-on-one to specific households and reach a very niche audience. This product works through a patented technology of matching IP addresses to a database of names and physical street addresses and displaying your display or video ads only to those households (or businesses). It works without [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:46:46+00:00May 8, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

Warmer Weather = Digital Opportunity

Now is the time to market to consumers thinking about home repairs! The IAB’s Digital Influence on Home Improvement Plans analysis showed that 22% of consumers who were working on home improvement projects were influenced by ads on mobile, social media and desktop. That is a huge opportunity for advertisers looking to showcase how they might meet all the home [...]

Desktop Ads Are Still Holding Strong In A Mobile World

Mobile usage is absolutely exploding, but that does not mean that we should ignore the steady performance of desktop.  A smart marketing strategy will leverage the strengths of each device and maximize their unique contributions to the campaign. As mobile continues to grow and evolve, so do the opportunities to advertise using mobile strategies.  However, that does not mean it [...]

By |2024-08-18T20:44:35+00:00March 21, 2017|Categories: Desktop Advertising, Digital Marketing, Mobile, Online marketing, Small business strategy|

Reaching Moms with Digital Marketing

Of the 80 million millennials in the U.S., one-quarter are now parents. Statistics also show that 83% of new moms are millennials.  According to a recent report from Nielsen, some 39% of women aged 18-49 in the US have a child under the age of 12, including 46% of women aged 35-49. Why does this matter to marketers? Because millennial women tend to [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:21+00:00February 7, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Facebook, marketing to moms, Mobile, Online marketing|

Why digital advertising in 2017?

Digital advertising allows you to craft an extremely targeted and measurable campaign. If you are not already implementing digital into your overall marketing plan, it’s time to explore the possibilities! Don’t make the mistake of thinking that digital is only for large corporations. Digital is affordable and allows small and medium sized businesses a solid chance to compete for targeted [...]

Using Mobile Conquesting™ for Holiday Marketing

Year after year, Christmas is one of the biggest seasons for consumer engagement campaigns. Holiday promotions and interactive content are an excellent way to get a piece of the warm holiday feeling during this time of year! Also important during the season is being able to reach people on their smartphone while they are out and about.  The solution? Mobile [...]

When It Comes To Your Business Reputation – Online Matters!

Election day has me thinking about the important role online presence and opinions have played this year. Just like our candidates, local brands and companies are living their lives online and consumers are sometimes left weary and wondering what is true and what is just “a bad review.” There are absolutely times we all have very little control over our [...]

Household IP Targeting: Direct Mail For The Internet

The mail arrives daily in the usual way, but the mail that makes it into my house depends solely on who brings the mail from the mailbox.  While everyone usually brings in the bills, the rest is dependent on who physically carries the mail from the box to the counter.  Currently I’m tossing anything from car dealerships (my husband is [...]

Why Don’t I See My Digital Ads – And Other FAQs

Advertisers are used to seeing their ads on TV or in the newspaper. They are used to hearing their spots on the radio or driving by their billboard. So naturally, the question of “why don't I see my digital ad” comes up quite a bit.  To answer this and more common client questions, here are a few of our Frequently Asked [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:19+00:00October 10, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Are Phone Calls Important To Your Business?

If phone calls are imperative to your business, click to call digital ads are an excellent way to drive results. Mobile advertising should now be an essential part of your marketing efforts.  Mobile marketing will drive over 100 billion calls to US businesses this year. Marketers should be taking advantage of ways to drive even more of these calls from [...]

Do I need a call-to-action in my digital ads?

The short answer is “yes.”  A picture and a logo typically aren’t going to get you good results.  Look at this stat: Effective digital advertising is not really about “clicks” or “likes.” In fact, most people don’t click on ads (the national average Click Thru Rate is .07% meaning less than 1 in 1000 people click on an ad). Having [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:18+00:00August 23, 2016|Categories: Conversions, CTR, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Digital Now Commands 60% of Total Marketing Budget

How much of my advertising budget should I allocate towards digital? This is hot topic and a question I get asked frequently. Businesses know they need to spend money on digital advertising to reach their target consumer, the question is, how much? According to a recent Nielsen study, the answer is 60%. “Advertising effectively is difficult in an increasingly fragmented [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:18+00:00August 2, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Small business strategy, Uncategorized|

Facebook Video Ads – How To Do It Right

Video ad consumption is absolutely on the rise!  A recent study aimed at learning more about consumers’ sentiments regarding video advertising found some interesting tidbits. 26% of people surveyed responded that they are watching at least one video per day.  55% of the frequent video viewers prefer watching them on their smartphone. As for the most popular social platform to watch videos, Facebook [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:17+00:00July 12, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Uncategorized, Videos|Tags: , , , , |

Location-Targeted Mobile Ad Spend Is Exploding

So what are location-targeted mobile ads? At Vici, we do location based mobile targeting with our Mobile Conquesting product.  Mobile Conquesting is targeting people on their mobile devices using a combination of geo-fencing (where someone is at that moment) combined with demographic and behavioral targeting to reach specific consumers. In the spring update to its U.S. Local Advertising Forecast 2016, [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:17+00:00June 21, 2016|Categories: Mobile, Uncategorized|

How To Tap Into Local Political Campaign’s Digital Dollars!

According to Borrell Associates “Online political spending in 2016 across local, state, and national campaigns projected to hit $1 billion.”  That is a 500% increase since 2012.  Of that $1 Billion, 500 Million is expected to be spent on local elections.  In fact, the average town council race candidate will spend $47,000.  Politicians are absolutely allocating ad budgets for digital, to [...]

Understanding Facebook’s News Feed Ads

In the last year Facebook has rolled out an amazing number of new products!  They now have several options to utilize to target potential customers with display or video ads based on demographics, interests, behaviors, or even a list of email addresses or phone numbers. While Right Hand Column ads have long been in place, we recommend using Right Column [...]

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