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Vici Media Inc.

How To Be A Digital Marketing Guru

Because you are reading this, it is likely that you and your team have now completed your digital training. (if you haven’t, click here and get on board!  You make the effort to keep up to date on all things digital through ongoing education and weekly webinars. You know your stuff and you have put it into action! You have [...]

A Look Inside Vici: How We Stay Organized

We pride ourselves in over the top customer service, lightning fast communications, and superior campaign management.  This is quite the feat when every campaign launched has a minimum of 25 steps to go live, coupled with the challenge of team members spread throughout the country.  So how do we do it?  We use tools to enhance our productivity!  Here’s three [...]

Using Mobile Conquesting™ for Holiday Marketing

Year after year, Christmas is one of the biggest seasons for consumer engagement campaigns. Holiday promotions and interactive content are an excellent way to get a piece of the warm holiday feeling during this time of year! Also important during the season is being able to reach people on their smartphone while they are out and about.  The solution? Mobile [...]

When It Comes To Your Business Reputation – Online Matters!

Election day has me thinking about the important role online presence and opinions have played this year. Just like our candidates, local brands and companies are living their lives online and consumers are sometimes left weary and wondering what is true and what is just “a bad review.” There are absolutely times we all have very little control over our [...]

Meet Marissa Esposito

Hello there! My name is Marissa Esposito and I am the new Digital Campaign Coordinator for Vici where I plan and manage campaigns for our clients across the country. Professionally I have a background in public relations, marketing and social media management. Read on for the fun stuff: I am a Jersey Girl, born and raised in central New Jersey. [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:45:48+00:00July 13, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

A Tool I’m Totally Geeking Out Over Right Now: Hotjar

Having been in the digital marketing business for quite some time I've tested out a lot of different tools: SEO tools, website auditing tools, keyword creation tools, pixel finding tools, traffic monitoring tools, etc.  I recently stumbled across a tool that I find completely fascinating and is helping to improve the efficiency of our website called Hotjar. In a nutshell, [...]

Ad Blockers: No Need to Panic

In 2010, when internet users were granted the ability to block ads, advertisers were put into a tailspin of panic, thinking the ecosystem of digital advertising was about to be seriously disrupted.  The threat of destroying the entire system of digital advertising was soon proven to be irrelevant. This outdated argument became null when in the 5 years since ad [...]

By |2023-06-08T15:27:30+00:00August 13, 2015|Categories: Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

100 Posts Later…Check Out Vici’s Most Read Blog Posts!

  Today is an exciting day for us at Vici Media, we are celebrating our 100th blog post!  We take pride in providing you with digital marketing education, campaign strategies, and trends in the ever-changing online marketing world. To commemorate 100 blog posts about effective digital marketing strategies, check out our five most popular posts ever.    These posts and many [...]

What are college kids doing on Friday and Saturday nights? Snapchatting.

Snapchat, the “now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t” photo app, has caught the attention of the tech world because of its rapid success, occasional controversy and most of all, its devoted audience of users. “What the heck is Snapchat?” you might be saying in your head right now… Snapchat is a photo service that allows users to take pictures or videos, known as “snaps” of [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:52:38+00:00October 30, 2014|Categories: Silly, Technology, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |

Meet Leslye Schumacher!

As Vici Media continues to grow, we want you to know everyone who has been here since the beginning and helped the company rise!  So every week we'll introduce you to a key member of the team.  This week we begin with Leslye Schumacher...Senior Partner and resident Motorcycle Chick here at Vici. 10 Things about Leslye: If I had it [...]

How to Track Your Conversions on Google Analytics!

So if you read our little cheat sheet on Google Analytics (if not, you can read it here!), we're going to jump right in and show you how you can track your conversions.  Remember, conversions are some action that your intended audience takes to push them further down the funnel - such as completing a purchase or filling out a [...]

How to install a Retargeting/Remarketing Pixel in WordPress. (Example)

Retargeting web visitors is a common best practice to maximize conversions and invite back potential customers to your website.  Our clients often ask us to help retarget (or remarket) their web traffic.  Retargeting technology uses a pixel (lines of HTML code), which creates a cookie to track site visitors. But how the heck do you install that pixel? Wordpress doesn't [...]

Simply Explained

Online marketing can feel overwhelming.  There are a lot of acronyms: CPM, CPC, PPC, SEO... when really all you care about one acronym: ROI, your return on investment!  There are a lot of places to be online from Pay Per Click, to organic search, Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines, Instagram, Vine, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube... what business owner has [...]

10 (FREE) Websites No Small Business Should Live Without

Small business owners know that the cost of operating can be downright expensive.  Whenever there are programs out there that can help eliminate costs, while still maintaining a professional image, you should take advantage of them! Here are the websites that top my list: “Simple and beautiful email marketing” – Mashable.  MadMimi gives you customizable email templates that are not only [...]

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