If phone calls are imperative to your business, click to call digital ads are an excellent way to drive results.

Mobile advertising should now be an essential part of your marketing efforts.  Mobile marketing will drive over 100 billion calls to US businesses this year. Marketers should be taking advantage of ways to drive even more of these calls from their mobile marketing.   

In fact, 3 out of 4 phone calls to advertisers are made with an intent to purchase.  Although it might be surprising, Millennials are more likely than any other age group to “click to call”  

Two of the best products we offer at Vici to encourage phone calls are our Mobile Conquesting ads and Location Awareness ads on Facebook.

Click To Call ads

Mobile Conquesting uses location based targeting combined with demographic and behavioral targeting to reach consumers with display ads on their mobile devices. We place ads across premium mobile apps and mobile websites all within your desired geo-fenced area. The ads offer an “expandable” mobile banner ad format – which allows the consumer to click to call, as well as click for directions, specials etc. All click to call conversions are then reported so the ROI is extremely clear.

Facebook also offers an excellent solution with News Feed Local Awareness Ads. These ads allow us to geo-fence around a business location choosing a radius of 1-50 miles and a call to action button like “Call Now.” These calls are also tracked and reported to show engagement and ROI.

No matter what route you choose for click to call, always keep the fundamentals in mind. Not everyone will click to call immediately. Often, people will explore your website first by visiting a mobile landing page so the conversion is not always immediate. To help move the conversion along you want to make sure you have a prominent, clickable phone number on every page of your mobile optimized website. It’s not realistic to put a web form on every page – it takes up too much real estate on a small smartphone screen – but a phone number is perfect. (Not to mention, BIA/Kelsey research tells us that phone calls convert to revenue 10x more than web form fills.)