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mobile advertising

Instagram Continues to Grow

If you want to target customers under the age of 35 in your next digital campaign, Instagram is the platform for you. Instagram is continuously growing, and with that growth, is becoming a major player in the mobile social media game. According to an article by eMarketer, this year 89.4 million people in the United States will be scrolling through [...]

The Rise of Location-Targeted Advertising

Real estate agents’ favorite line is now moving into the field of digital marketing: location, location, location. The number of smartphone users is rapidly increasing; it is predicted that the number of smartphone users will reach two billion people worldwide this year. This means that where consumers go, their smartphones go as well, creating the perfect environment for location-based marketing. [...]

2015: The Year of Mobile Marketing

We’ve all heard it before: the money is in mobile.  You’ve probably heard dozens of reason why it is so important for your business to have a strong mobile presence, whether it be a mobile website or by utilizing mobile advertising. We hate to say we told you so, but Google’s most recent mobile business report suggested that mobile devices [...]

How To Reach Millennials With Your Digital Advertising

With over 171.5 million people owning a smartphone worldwide, it’s almost irregular not to have one. Of those 171 million, 85% of these owners are millennials. To go even further into millennial smartphone usage: 85% of Millennials aged 18-24 own smartphone devices and 86% aged 25-34 own them. However, while there is a divide amongst ages, there isn’t a divide between genders. [...]

Digital Advertising for Mobile: Game On

Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Trivia Crack, Bookworm, Gym Streak.  At any given time, there are millions of smartphone users with their noses glued to their screen using gaming apps or lifestyle apps like these. Smartphone users are so attached to these apps that the US mobile gaming user base has grown to more than half the US population for the [...]

Fat fingers? Never fear! Accidental clicks just got a lot harder to make.

How many times have you been scrolling along on your mobile phone and accidentally clicked on an advertisement? Well, you’re not alone. To address it, Google has implemented several changes to reduce accidental clicks on mobile display ads. First, Google has identified the border of an image as those areas are particularly prone to accidental clicks. If you tap the [...]

Do Cookies Work on Mobile Phones? (Example)

A cookie is is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.  A cookie can track everything from the websites the user visits afterwards, their behavior, purchase decisions, etc.  Cookies can even deploy ads back to the user inviting them to revisit the original website.  [...]

How the Millennial Smartphone Addiction Can Benefit You

Do millennials ever put their phones down? No.  In fact, 24% of millennials attached themselves to their smartphones less than 5 minutes after waking up.  An even more astounding 52% of millennials start using their smart phones just after being awake for 5 minutes.  Throughout the rest of the day, these digital obsessed millennials are likely to check their smartphones [...]

Digital Ad Spending Approaches 60 Billion This Year!

Digital Ad Spending is expected to reach about $60 Billion this year, and retailers will comprise 22% of that, or $12.9 billion. Retailers, by far, outpace all other industries. According to Victoria Petrock at eMarketer, “mobile, digital video, and programmatic buying are the brightest stars in the digital advertising lineup."Retailers will spend nearly twice as much as any other industry [...]

Internet Advertising Is #1 In Total Ad Spending In 2014

It’s no secret that ad spending in digital is growing.  In fact, in 2014 the highest advertising revenue was directed towards the Internet.  According to the chart below, 49.5 billion dollars was spent in online advertising alone in 2014, making it the highest advertising media by revenue. These numbers are steadily growing.  According to a study done by Duke University, mobile [...]

Mobile vs Desktop. Is one better than the other?

It’s no secret that desktops and mobiles rule consumers’ online experience, but when are these devices most prevalent? In a recent study done by Chitika, peak times are examined for mobile vs. desktop usage in the US and Canada. The common belief is that mobile and smartphones will soon be overtaking desktops as more and more users are turning to [...]

Mobile Optimization- option or necessity?

I can’t even imagine a time when information wasn’t at our fingertips. When I am out with my friends and one of us has a question no one can answer, I can immediately pull out my phone (I am more attached to it than I’d like to admit), and answer their question within a minute. In turn, it makes sense [...]

2014 – The Year Of Mobile Domination

It's official - mobile rules when it comes to media consumption.  The average person consumes 7 hours of media a day and mobile is number one, accounting for about 35% or 145 minutes of that time. The 2014 "Marketing In A Multiscreen World" report found similar results with smartphones at 35% of daily screen time, far outpacing T.V., tablets, and [...]

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