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About Dana

Dana Bojcic (how do you pronounce that? Boy-chich) is a Senior Partner with Vici and Google Analytics Certified. Dana is an experienced trainer and coach of salespeople and managers. Her background includes working for advertising agencies and as a certified Talent Analyst.

How do you capture part of the billions spent on local political campaign?

How big is the local political advertising pie exactly? MASSIVE. In fact, it is predicted by the BIA that $6.55 billion will be spent in local political advertising in 2020. That number is not a typo, it is an enormous opportunity. So we know there is a huge pie, how is it being divided and what media is getting the [...]

Can I do digital advertising for Cannabis, Marijuana or CBD Oil campaigns?

Let’s be blunt. Trying to run digital campaigns for Cannabis businesses around all the restrictions and limited targeting categories has been a bit of a drag in the past. There are now a wealth of targeting options available that we offer, including Native Ads, Display Ads and Video Ads . Do you want to reach people who are marijuana legalization [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:34+00:00July 18, 2019|Categories: behavioral targeting, Cannabis Marketing, Digital Marketing, Live Chat, Native Ads, OTT/CTV|

Is Facebook Listening In On Me Through My Phone?

How many of us have felt like Facebook is listening to our phone conversations? I swear I just mentioned these new Kendra Scott earrings to my friend and now I’m seeing them in my newsfeed? Disturbing! Right? Or is it just effective? It is absolutely unnerving. You feel like you just mentioned to a friend, or even just thought about [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:34+00:00June 10, 2019|Categories: behavioral targeting, Digital Marketing, Facebook|Tags: , |

What social platform is gaining popularity?

Instagram. According to latest research, people are embracing Instagram and its popularity is growing. So who is using it the most? Starting at the top we have an overall number of 37% of US adults (beating out Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter). The strongest numbers for Instagram are in the 18-24 range, however, it is important to note that we [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:43:05+00:00May 2, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram|

When should you Geo-Target and when should you Geo-Fence and what is the difference?

There are several “geo” terms in digital advertising, and it can be complicated to determine which option is best for your campaign. With so many opportunities and choices it is important to understand the differences. First let’s define our “Geo” terms: Geo-Targeting (Geographic Targeting):  all digital ads are geographically targeted meaning we serve ads to specific geographic areas like a [...]

Social Media: When should you DIY and when should you enlist a digital expert?

There are absolutely times in life it is more cost effective to “Do it yourself.”  Before I take on a DIY project, I try to consider if I have three T’s, meaning do I have the tools, the training and the time. If all signs point to yes, I go for it! All three must be in place and it [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:54:23+00:00March 1, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook|Tags: , , , , |

Can I Daypart My Digital Ads?

Yes, but just because you can, doesn’t mean you should! Let’s start with what is dayparting? It is a tactic by which you schedule ads for certain times, that could mean either certain times of the day or certain days within the week, in the hopes of reaching prospects at the most opportune time of the day. Can you do [...]

How Important Are Online Reviews?

Extremely. In fact, 78% of Internet users conduct research online and believe reviews are the most credible form of advertising.   Online reviews are not only influencing consumers, they’re also influencing search engine results.  In fact, Search experts believe that reviews account for about 7-13% of the local organic ranking factors considered by Google. Responding to positive reviews is just as [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:32+00:00January 9, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, Reputation Management, SEO|Tags: , , |

The Steps For A Productive Digital Advertising Client Meeting

When going into a digital client needs analysis meeting it can be hard to determine where to start. There are so many products and options to consider it can be daunting to everyone involved. To avoid overwhelming clients with all the different possibilities, it is helpful to do your homework and research first. Prepping for the meeting: Use and [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:31+00:00December 15, 2018|Categories: client needs analysis, Conversions, Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

Are teenagers leaving Facebook? Should that impact your Ad Spend?

My 14-year-old son refers to Facebook as “Snapchat for Old People” yet he still knows every time I post something on Facebook. Teenagers would like us to believe that Snapchat is life, but is that actually true, and more importantly does it matter for your advertising dollars? According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, today, roughly half (51%) of [...]

Is couponing effective on Mobile?

Short answer: no. In fact, it is not just mobile, we have yet to find a digital product that works effectively for coupons. What is the problem with digital coupons on mobile? The main reason digital coupons on mobile fail is that they are just too complicated for most people. Think about how the ads are served. You are on [...]

How To Be A Digital Marketing Guru

Because you are reading this, it is likely that you and your team have now completed your digital training. (if you haven’t, click here and get on board!  You make the effort to keep up to date on all things digital through ongoing education and weekly webinars. You know your stuff and you have put it into action! You have [...]

Are you asking: “How did you hear about us?” (Example)

Please stop. No one will say they heard about you from your digital ad. Most people will say they heard about your business on radio or on TV, even if you are not running on radio or TV!  You don’t have to stop asking, but definitely stop making decisions about your advertising dollars based on the answer to that question. [...]

I don’t have time to meet. Can you just send me your presentation?

If you are in sales, you have heard this statement. Probably many times and in different ways: “Just send me your notes.” “Just email me the pricing.” “Just forward your pitch.” All too often when we hear this, we jump to it and start drafting long emails with lots of notes and attaching presentation materials. We give it all away [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:36:43+00:00June 24, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, sales, Sales Strategy, Technology|Tags: , , |

Does my behavior online influence the ads I see?

Absolutely, and it is awesome. One of the main ways we are targeted with online ads is based on our online behavior. Actions we take online and what we demonstrate an interest in puts us into targeting categories. In a way we are virtually raising our hands and saying, “I’m over here and I’m attracted to what you are offering.” [...]

Are you interested in FREE MONEY that can be used on digital?

I find this statistic shocking: “Roughly half of the nearly $70 billion allocated to fund co-op advertising programs goes unused every year.” However, according to estimates from LSA, Borrell Associates and others that is exactly what is happening. So it is not that co-op money is less available as some might believe, it is more that the uses of co-op [...]

How are small and medium-sized businesses spending their ad dollars this year?

Looking at total ad spend alone; the short answer is “similar to last year.” However, when broken down product by product, we learn that even though half of Small and Medium Businesses are not increasing their overall ad dollars by much, they are adjusting how they are allocating those ad dollars, and more money is moving to digital media. According [...]

What are small business marketing resolutions for 2018?

As this year closes and a new one begins, small business owners are seeking strategies that can help them remain competitive and relevant.  They are analyzing past tactics and campaigns and determining where and how to spend their marketing dollars. Digital is absolutely a significant part of marketing budgets and in a multifaceted landscape, Small Business Owners are looking for [...]

How long does a digital campaign need to run to work? (Example)

One of the core challenges advertisers face is determining how long a digital marketing campaign should last. Digital, like many other mediums, requires frequency. If the campaign is too short, you reduce the probability of your customers seeing your message, and grasping it enough to take some action. So what is the ideal time for a campaign? We believe it [...]

What Are The Best Digital Advertising Products For Local Political Campaigns?

According to Ad Age, there is a broad trend being played out across the advertising landscape. Using data to target audience segments and make smarter media buys in digital. Political numbers absolutely reflect that as digital is replacing traditional ad spend in this vertical. Politicians are assigning ad budgets for digital. And, online digital advertising is not covered by the [...]

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