If you are in sales, you have heard this statement. Probably many times and in different ways:

“Just send me your notes.”

“Just email me the pricing.”

“Just forward your pitch.”

All too often when we hear this, we jump to it and start drafting long emails with lots of notes and attaching presentation materials. We give it all away and then follow up relentlessly and wonder what happened? How did we lose their interest? Truth? We never had it, we were blown off before we had the opportunity to create interest and determine their needs. Just say, “No!”

No one will be able to interpret or present your capabilities better than you! Much like the Telephone game you may have played as a child, at best, the presentation gets distorted by someone in between you and the decision maker, at worst, it never leaves their email or desk.

So how do you prevent this? Suggest a Screen Share with a Conference Call. Not only it this an awesome alternative, it is free!

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Here are two tools I need almost daily:

1. A conference line. I like to use https://www.freeconferencecall.com/ I have a free conference line dedicated to me and there when I need it. I can send it to multiple people, so all decisions makers are welcome to listen in. Having a dedicated line to pass out as needed is an essential tool and eliminates a ton of back and forth “what number should I call” type emails.

2. A screen share option. I use https://www.join.me/ and I love it! When I hear, “I’m not able to meet, and I’m traveling next week” or “My manager is in another office and they really are the decision maker.” I have join.me to the rescue! Set up an account for free (or you can upgrade to premium versions) and share your screen and your presentation anytime!

Using these tools allows you to stay in control of how your capabilities are presented, and who they are presented to and it works just as good for the first pitch as the second or third. They love it but need to present to their boss, to the board… no problem! I’m happy to do a screenshare.