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Is Facebook Listening In On Me Through My Phone?

How many of us have felt like Facebook is listening to our phone conversations? I swear I just mentioned these new Kendra Scott earrings to my friend and now I’m seeing them in my newsfeed? Disturbing! Right? Or is it just effective? It is absolutely unnerving. You feel like you just mentioned to a friend, or even just thought about [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:34+00:00June 10, 2019|Categories: behavioral targeting, Digital Marketing, Facebook|Tags: , |

How Does Facebook Know What Ads to Show You? (Example)

The way Facebook determines what ads to show you is based a lot around the information you provide by your online activity. By using things such as your age, location, page likes, app use, and even data from the mobile websites you browse, Facebook profiles you into categories that advertisers can then use to target ads to you on Facebook.  [...]

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