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Digital Media

Does My Business HAVE to Blog? Yes.

As a business owner, you may have asked yourself- What is the point of blogging?  What do I blog about?  Do I HAVE to blog? Yes. Not only do you have to, but you want to. As of May 2015, there were more than 47 billion Web pages indexed on Google.  Instead of letting the 47,000,000,000 other pages intimidate you, [...]

Internet Advertising Is #1 In Total Ad Spending In 2014

It’s no secret that ad spending in digital is growing.  In fact, in 2014 the highest advertising revenue was directed towards the Internet.  According to the chart below, 49.5 billion dollars was spent in online advertising alone in 2014, making it the highest advertising media by revenue. These numbers are steadily growing.  According to a study done by Duke University, mobile [...]

Digital Leads Traditional Media In Average Time Spent Per Day

According to a recent article in eMarketer, digital media continues to surpass traditional media in amount of time spent with major media by US adults.  In 2015, the average adult will spend 5 hours and 38 minutes with digital media each day!  To put that growth in perspective, that number was just 3 hours and 40 minutes in 2011. TV, [...]

Lifecycles to Lifestyles: Why You Should Get to Know Your Customer

When was the last time you walked, drove, sat or went anywhere without seeing handfuls of people with their faces glued to their smartphone screens?  Between distractions like internet browsing, social media, emails, texting, and phone calls, how can you capture your customer's attention? Get to know them individually.  Understand their consumer habits.  Become an integrated part of their lifestyle. [...]

Mobile Tops eCommerce in Traffic, Trails in Sales

You might be in the East Coast stuck in your house with snow up to your roof, or you might be in the West Coast lounging in the sun avoiding going indoors.  Either way, is your mobile phone in your hand?  If not, is it more than three feet from your hand?  Most likely not.    The population's addiction to [...]

The Power of the View-Through

How many display ads do you think you are exposed to in one day?  Tens, twenties or even hundreds?  Believe it or not, the number falls closer to the upper levels of the spectrum. Between the countless billboards, magazines, television and internet ads we pass by hundreds of times a day, it is apparent that display advertising has made a [...]

Google Analytics Can Tell Me When I Should Advertise?

The folks who bring you Google Analytics have just released some first quarter insights from the previous two years that could help you decide when it is best to beef up your marketing in the coming weeks. They analyzed billions of Google Analytics sessions and found that “in particular, the week of February 5th (also known as the week after [...]

What is SEO and Why Does it Matter?

SEO is a digital marketing tool that has blown up in the last 3 years from a new “trend” to a marketing staple that has endured the ever-changing strategies and rules of digital marketing. According to Search Engine Land, SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial,” or “natural” search results on [...]

Should you invest in a mobile app? Hmmm…maybe not.

Making an app for your business seems to be what everyone's doing right now. 2014 was even referred to as the “year of mobile," however, the roles mobile played in 2014 will be changing in 2015. Mobile is expected to become such a normal part of one’s daily life, it will eventually fade from consumers' consciousness. The differences between accessing the [...]

Don’t Make the Same Digital Marketing Mistakes in 2015

At only 2 weeks into the new year, there have been plenty of new tips created on how to make 2015 your most successful year yet.  But reading lists on top of lists about what your business should be doing but isn't doing yet can be intimidating and overwhelming.  It takes time for you and your consumers to adapt to [...]

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