According to a recent article in eMarketer, digital media continues to surpass traditional media in amount of time spent with major media by US adults.  In 2015, the average adult will spend 5 hours and 38 minutes with digital media each day!  To put that growth in perspective, that number was just 3 hours and 40 minutes in 2011.

TV, radio, and print have all seen decreases in time spent with their medium since 2011.  Print (newspaper and magazines) seeing the biggest decreases – magazines are down 13.5% and newspapers down 19.8%.  The average time adults spend with each of these traditional media will decline again in 2015, for the fourth consecutive year.

The growth of digital continues to be powered primarily by mobile devices.  Desktop/laptop average time spent remained consistent from 2014 to 2015, but time spent with mobile devices increased by 17 minutes in the last year to 2 hours 51 minutes.  The research also continues to show increases in time spent with other connected devices such as gaming systems.

Time Spent With Media