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mobile conquesting

Digital Advertising continues to grow year over year!

  2017 saw record growth in Digital Advertising dollars throughout the United States.  According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, those dollars are actually $40.1 BILLION.  And, that’s just for the first half of 2017. $40.1 billion represents a 23% increase over the same time period in 2016.  What can we take from that?  Businesses are spending money on digital advertising, [...]

What is Geo-Farming with digital ads? (Example)

You may have heard about a new tactic that’s becoming popular with advertisers seeking to reach people on their mobile devices…It’s called by some Geo-Farming. It’s also referred to as Geo-Retargeting (what we at Vici call it). Why can’t everybody in the digital ad game agree to call things by the same name? Let’s save that for another day!  What [...]

What Are The Best Digital Advertising Products For Local Political Campaigns?

According to Ad Age, there is a broad trend being played out across the advertising landscape. Using data to target audience segments and make smarter media buys in digital. Political numbers absolutely reflect that as digital is replacing traditional ad spend in this vertical. Politicians are assigning ad budgets for digital. And, online digital advertising is not covered by the [...]

Marketing on Mobile? Here are some must know terms, and how to use them.

If you're deciding to run a mobile-only marketing campaign you're following a popular trend of many advertisers.  Attention is the currency of marketing.  Smartphones garner a lot of our attention and people spend a lot of time on the internet on their phones.  Earlier this year comScore broke down the highest users of mobile internet minutes in the world and [...]

Using Mobile Conquesting™ for Holiday Marketing

Year after year, Christmas is one of the biggest seasons for consumer engagement campaigns. Holiday promotions and interactive content are an excellent way to get a piece of the warm holiday feeling during this time of year! Also important during the season is being able to reach people on their smartphone while they are out and about.  The solution? Mobile [...]

Are Phone Calls Important To Your Business?

If phone calls are imperative to your business, click to call digital ads are an excellent way to drive results. Mobile advertising should now be an essential part of your marketing efforts.  Mobile marketing will drive over 100 billion calls to US businesses this year. Marketers should be taking advantage of ways to drive even more of these calls from [...]

My fingers are too fat to shop

Yes, mobile advertising is a must – but so are desktops and laptops. Here’s why. Even people who are heavy mobile users still prefer to sit comfortably with their computer and make purchases from their keyboard.   It is no surprise that mobile usage is up – way up! Check out any pack of teenagers, moms at the park, the [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:15+00:00April 20, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Mobile, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Automotive Dealerships: Mobile Or Desktop Ads?

In a previous post I talked about ways that automotive dealers can use mobile – and specifically location based targeting, to reach consumers who are ready to purchase a vehicle. That has led to several questions from clients. Given the success of this type of auto buyer targeting, should dealerships ONLY use mobile ads and not use desktop and laptop [...]

Is My Digital Ad Working?

All digital campaigns measure clicks - as in how many people “clicked” on the ad. The Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is merely the beginning of the story.  CTR’s serve a purpose. They allow you to gauge the results of your digital campaign in a very simple form and these metrics are important – however, they do not provide the complete engagement picture. [...]

The Rise of Location-Targeted Advertising

Real estate agents’ favorite line is now moving into the field of digital marketing: location, location, location. The number of smartphone users is rapidly increasing; it is predicted that the number of smartphone users will reach two billion people worldwide this year. This means that where consumers go, their smartphones go as well, creating the perfect environment for location-based marketing. [...]

How Are Auto Buyers Using Mobile In Their Path To Purchase?

The average American consumer considers 2 or more types of vehicles and 5 brands before making their car-purchasing decision. 60% of people are “in market” for a car for at least 6 months, gathering research and seeking advice to help guide their decision making. This is according to a research study  commissioned by Facebook and done by Ipsos Media to [...]

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