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What are Scrolling Banner Ads?

Eat. Sleep. Scroll. We all do it. Whether you are mindlessly scrolling social media, scrolling through an article you’re reading, or vigorously scrolling to get to the bottom of a page to just get the darn recipe (this one drives me nuts!), it has just become second nature to scroll. While we are all used to that kind of scrolling, [...]

What Products Can Show How Many People Saw Your Ad and Went to Your Store?

Advertising methods have evolved significantly throughout history. In the early days of business, long before the digital age, companies used various strategies to promote their products and services. During the Middle Ages, local markets were common and town criers played a significant role in advertising. They would announce the arrival of merchants and their wares and shop signs had images [...]

Maximizing Holiday Sales with Mobile Geo-Fencing and Geo-Retargeting: Your Comprehensive Guide

The holiday season is a special time for businesses, whether it's the bustling excitement of holiday festivals or the dynamic energy of college campuses. During this period, shoppers embark on a quest for the perfect gifts, decorations, and experiences, and they're doing it all from the convenience of their mobile devices. For marketers, this presents a unique and golden opportunity [...]

What are the Best Ways to Promote or Target Events?

Events are back!  As mask mandates are lifting across the country more and more events are getting planned every day.  From 4th of July celebrations to concerts and festivals, we’re seeing a huge uptick and revival of this category.   Shows on the Las Vegas Strip are back, as are sporting events like NHL Playoffs, Major League Baseball, and the 2021-2022 [...]

How Are You Marketing Your Retail Business?

Everywhere you go, look, and turn, there are different types of advertisements for retail establishments. Just this morning I heard a Chick-fil-A ad on the radio for a new location opening just 6 miles from my house (I am in trouble), I also received a text message ad for a 20% off Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon, and yesterday when [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

Targeting Ads on Smart Speakers, Smart Phones and Smart TVs, Are You Being Smart?

Everything you read and hear in the news right now is all about the coronavirus and it is being compared to the 1918-1920 flu pandemic, so I wanted to take a look and see how far we have come in the technology world in the past 100 years: 1920: “Extra! Extra! Read All About It!” is what people would yell [...]

How Accurate is your Geo-Fencing and Visit Tracking with Mobile Conquesting?

One of the most popular products that we offer is Mobile Conquesting, and it’s also one of the more advanced and sophisticated products we offer, because of all the shiny bells and whistles that it offers. With Mobile Conquesting, we can target people by online behaviors (people who have shown specific behaviors online or are in a certain demographic) and [...]

Mobile Conquesting™, Geo-Fencing, Geo-Targeting, How Targeted Can I Get With My Ads ?

When you explain to a business owner that they could put a virtual fence around their competitors’ locations and target people while at that location, their eyes light up and they start seeing dollar signs. “You mean that I can show MY ad to people while they are AT my competition?” Why yes, Mr./Ms. Business Owner, you can! Enter the [...]

What is Mobile Conquesting™?

Nearly 80% of US adults own a smartphone and we use them a lot. What used to be a device just to make calls has quickly migrated to a device to send text messages, map directions, make purchases, play games and even capture life’s most precious moments. Because technology is so sophisticated, and we do more on these devices, the [...]

What is Geo-Farming with digital ads? (Example)

You may have heard about a new tactic that’s becoming popular with advertisers seeking to reach people on their mobile devices…It’s called by some Geo-Farming. It’s also referred to as Geo-Retargeting (what we at Vici call it). Why can’t everybody in the digital ad game agree to call things by the same name? Let’s save that for another day!  What [...]

Marketing on Mobile? Here are some must know terms, and how to use them.

If you're deciding to run a mobile-only marketing campaign you're following a popular trend of many advertisers.  Attention is the currency of marketing.  Smartphones garner a lot of our attention and people spend a lot of time on the internet on their phones.  Earlier this year comScore broke down the highest users of mobile internet minutes in the world and [...]

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