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Digital Media

Is couponing effective on Mobile?

Short answer: no. In fact, it is not just mobile, we have yet to find a digital product that works effectively for coupons. What is the problem with digital coupons on mobile? The main reason digital coupons on mobile fail is that they are just too complicated for most people. Think about how the ads are served. You are on [...]

Opinion: My Love/Hate Relationship with Google’s “Walled Garden”

As Google has advanced as a search engine, it has rolled out many features aimed at getting users information as fast as possible.  Included in Google’s search engine results are things like the Google Knowledge Graph, which appears if a business has an updated Google Business listing, showcasing information like the address, phone number, business hours, reviews, and even a [...]

New Facebook Feature Great For Prospecting

Facebook has launched a new feature called Info and Ads. This push from Facebook is another step towards their goal of digital transparency that they released late last year. To access this feature, go to Facebook and visit any business Facebook profile page from a computer.  On the left-hand side navigation, underneath the profile image you will see many options [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:58+00:00August 17, 2018|Categories: branding, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Digital sales funnel, Facebook|

The Latest and Greatest Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is a hot commodity among advertisers around the country, as consumers spend more and more time on their mobile devices daily. Our Mobile Conquesting products have many advanced features, including geo-fencing, behavioral/location/brand targeting, dynamically updated ads, weather triggered ads, geo-retargeting, geo-lookalike targeting, and also the ability to track in-store visits. The most amazing thing about digital marketing is [...]

Are you asking: “How did you hear about us?” (Example)

Please stop. No one will say they heard about you from your digital ad. Most people will say they heard about your business on radio or on TV, even if you are not running on radio or TV!  You don’t have to stop asking, but definitely stop making decisions about your advertising dollars based on the answer to that question. [...]

How To Do A Video Ad Campaign

In today’s fast paced world video is climbing up the marketing ladder, and it is not just for the big dogs anymore, everyone is playing. 87% of online marketers are using video content and it continues to grow! Recent statistics show that one-third of online activity is spent watching video and half of all video content online is viewed on [...]

Does my behavior online influence the ads I see?

Absolutely, and it is awesome. One of the main ways we are targeted with online ads is based on our online behavior. Actions we take online and what we demonstrate an interest in puts us into targeting categories. In a way we are virtually raising our hands and saying, “I’m over here and I’m attracted to what you are offering.” [...]

Are you interested in FREE MONEY that can be used on digital?

I find this statistic shocking: “Roughly half of the nearly $70 billion allocated to fund co-op advertising programs goes unused every year.” However, according to estimates from LSA, Borrell Associates and others that is exactly what is happening. So it is not that co-op money is less available as some might believe, it is more that the uses of co-op [...]

Radio And Digital Advertising By The Numbers

A recent report on the state of digital advertising as it relates to radio stations selling it, provided some valuable insights into both mediums. The report, “Benchmarking: Local Radio Stations’ Online Revenues” looked at factors such as how much local digital ad dollars are being spent broken out by market and how much of that is with local traditional advertising [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:54:22+00:00February 16, 2018|Categories: Digital Media|Tags: |

Targeting an Event With Digital? What You Need To Know

Event based targeting is becoming extremely popular among digital marketers, mainly because it gives you an opportunity to have a presence at the event, even without a physically being there.  But event targeting is not a one-size fits all strategy.  Depending on what is capturing event attendees’ attention, different digital tools should be utilized to effectively market your business. Targeting [...]

How are small and medium-sized businesses spending their ad dollars this year?

Looking at total ad spend alone; the short answer is “similar to last year.” However, when broken down product by product, we learn that even though half of Small and Medium Businesses are not increasing their overall ad dollars by much, they are adjusting how they are allocating those ad dollars, and more money is moving to digital media. According [...]

What are small business marketing resolutions for 2018?

As this year closes and a new one begins, small business owners are seeking strategies that can help them remain competitive and relevant.  They are analyzing past tactics and campaigns and determining where and how to spend their marketing dollars. Digital is absolutely a significant part of marketing budgets and in a multifaceted landscape, Small Business Owners are looking for [...]

How long does a digital campaign need to run to work? (Example)

One of the core challenges advertisers face is determining how long a digital marketing campaign should last. Digital, like many other mediums, requires frequency. If the campaign is too short, you reduce the probability of your customers seeing your message, and grasping it enough to take some action. So what is the ideal time for a campaign? We believe it [...]

How Vici Hires Top Talent

Update: Facebook shuttered Jobs on Facebook (February 2023) and Instant Articles (April 2023) We are extraordinarily proud of the team we’ve built here at Vici, but as with all systems we utilize, hiring takes constant refinement.  People on our staff are not only marketing savvy, smart, and thoughtful, but also have an inherit want to be customer-focused.  These are technology [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:56:28+00:00September 14, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, recruitment|Tags: , , |

What Are The Best Digital Advertising Products For Local Political Campaigns?

According to Ad Age, there is a broad trend being played out across the advertising landscape. Using data to target audience segments and make smarter media buys in digital. Political numbers absolutely reflect that as digital is replacing traditional ad spend in this vertical. Politicians are assigning ad budgets for digital. And, online digital advertising is not covered by the [...]

What’s the best way to reach Hispanic consumers with digital ads?

In some instances, getting the right message to the right person in the right language is as simple as asking them to push a button.  “For English, Press One. Para Español, Marque Número Dos.” In digital, it is even easier; the button is already pushed as their preferred language is already selected on their browser. How do you reach the audience [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:22+00:00August 29, 2017|Categories: Digital Media|Tags: , , , |

Why Digital Is Not A One-Call-Close

When training traditional media advertising salespeople on how to sell digital, I find that the biggest hurdle is often what made them successful salespeople people to begin with – being able to get their message across quickly, devise a solution, and close the sale – often all in one meeting. When you are selling a media advertising product that people [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:46:48+00:00August 21, 2017|Categories: Digital Media, Sales Strategy|Tags: , , |

Traditional and Digital Together Improves Purchase Intent

It is a well-known fact that digital platforms have transformed how people do business these days.  The influence of digital on the shopping journey is impacting how people shop and make decisions about products and services in which they are interested.  It is also setting new digital expectations of retailers in terms of how they help their customers gather pertinent [...]

Reaching Moms with Digital Marketing

Of the 80 million millennials in the U.S., one-quarter are now parents. Statistics also show that 83% of new moms are millennials.  According to a recent report from Nielsen, some 39% of women aged 18-49 in the US have a child under the age of 12, including 46% of women aged 35-49. Why does this matter to marketers? Because millennial women tend to [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:21+00:00February 7, 2017|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Facebook, marketing to moms, Mobile, Online marketing|
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