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traditional marketing

Why do digital and traditional media work well together?

You have heard the phrase, opposites attract. Well the same holds true for your media mix. Traditional media like radio and television work hand in hand with digital. Digital marketing can include tactics like SEO, online display or native and social media across all online devices. First, it is important to understand your audience and to realize there are many [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:31+00:00February 18, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Online marketing|Tags: , , , |

Traditional and Digital Together Improves Purchase Intent

It is a well-known fact that digital platforms have transformed how people do business these days.  The influence of digital on the shopping journey is impacting how people shop and make decisions about products and services in which they are interested.  It is also setting new digital expectations of retailers in terms of how they help their customers gather pertinent [...]

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