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How Can Political Candidates Use Digital for the 2024 Election?

It’s hard to believe that in just six months we will be voting for the 47th president of the United States, along with several other positions. It’s also hard to believe that the political ads have already started. It feels like we just got over them, and I’m already seeing and hearing political ads for everything from local school board [...]

How Can You Advertise Through Amazon?

We all know it. The boxes, the bags, the trucks, the smile logo. I know I’m not only one that has ever seen an Amazon truck pull up to their house and think “well what the heck did I order now?!” What started out as an online store for textbooks has grown into an empire. You can now get (almost) [...]

What Were the Most Popular Verticals in 2023?

Andy Williams said it best when he said “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” 2024 is now just a few weeks away and we have served over 1.9 billion impressions this year. Let’s take a look at the top 10 verticals for campaigns in 2023: • Health Care Services • Events/Concerts/Fireworks • Education • Automotive • Non-Profit/Arts • [...]

What is

One thing I love about the internet is when you come across those “I was today years old when I learned…” posts, or you learn about a new “hack”. One of my favorites that I recently just learned is how to properly use a “Corkscrew Climber” at the playground. It’s that twirly thing that you normally climb up, but guess [...]

What is a Xiaomi Mi Box?

We’ve all been there. You’re in a social setting where you don’t really know anyone, but it’s a social setting, so you’re supposed to be…social. For some, this comes very easy and for others, it causes panic. In these situations, there are a couple staples you can use to start that awkward small talk, like asking where you’re from or [...]

Are You Using a List to Target Consumers?

You make one for the week, you make one for grocery shopping, you make one for going on vacation, and you even make one for the big guy in red to check over in December, and he does that twice. Lists. They have been around forever and are very helpful for making sure you don’t forget anything, and that you [...]

Are You Advertising During The Super Bowl?

I grew up in Syracuse, New York which is known for two things: snow and Syracuse University sports. While most people are familiar with the longtime Syracuse basketball head coach, Jim Boeheim, but my favorite thing about Syracuse University is football. It is the home of the legendary number 44 for Jim Brown, Floyd Little, and Ernie Davis. Growing up, [...]

What Were the Most Popular Verticals in 2022?

December is always the month where we reflect on the last 12 months and see how we grew and what we can do to move forward. Personally, I like to see what technology thinks of how I lived my last 12 months with things like Spotify’s “Wrapped”, and Instagram’s “Top 9”. According to Spotify, I don’t branch out much with [...]

How Does Amazon Know So Much About You?

I have always been a pretty neat, clean, and tidy person. I don’t like clutter, I like seeing the lines on the carpet from a vacuum in a room, and everything (and I mean everything) has a place. Well, having kids changes that because now my living room looks like a bomb went off at any given point with the [...]

Introducing the Insights Report for Consumers and Businesses

Ever want to be a mind reader? Be in a crowded room and read the thoughts and interests of those around you? Or even in a restaurant and wondering what the other guests are talking about or into? Now it is time to look into your digital crystal ball with Insight Reports. Is it mind reading…well no, but it is [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:27:25+00:00October 3, 2022|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , |

Are You Investing in Digital this Political Season?

The “ber” months are approaching quickly and that means cooler weather, reasons to eat a lot of pie, and everyone’s favorite- political season. That’s right, political season is already ramping up and we are seeing and hearing ads for all sorts of political races from local ballots to nationwide races. This year, political ad spending is set to smash records [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

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