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How Can You Advertise Through Amazon?

We all know it. The boxes, the bags, the trucks, the smile logo. I know I’m not only one that has ever seen an Amazon truck pull up to their house and think “well what the heck did I order now?!” What started out as an online store for textbooks has grown into an empire. You can now get (almost) [...]

How Does Amazon Know So Much About You?

I have always been a pretty neat, clean, and tidy person. I don’t like clutter, I like seeing the lines on the carpet from a vacuum in a room, and everything (and I mean everything) has a place. Well, having kids changes that because now my living room looks like a bomb went off at any given point with the [...]

What Is Twitch And How Do I Use It For My Video Ads?

Sometimes it happens when I’m stressed. Sometimes it happens when my husband leaves his dirty clothes RIGHT next to the laundry basket. Sometimes it happens when I’ve had too much caffeine. We’ve all been there; we’ve all had an eye twitch at one time or another. Well, what if I told you we are now offering a new type of [...]

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