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social mirror success stories

Influencer Marketing for Social Mirror Ads

In today’s world, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of every business.  With social media personalities on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube becoming increasingly popular, businesses have started to shift their focus toward influencer marketing.  Influencer marketing has proved to be a powerful tool in reaching out to a vast audience and generating more leads. What are some [...]

Where should I spend my Digital Advertising dollars in 2023?

As the holidays come into view on the calendar, so do the budget meetings, review meetings, and strategy planning for the upcoming year.   A question that we get asked quite often is “How much should I invest into digital advertising next year?” This is a great question, as we are seeing an increase in digital advertising spend throughout the United [...]

How can I use Social Media Stories to promote my business?

Storytelling, one of society’s greatest tools in sharing the narrative that you want people to understand, has changed a lot since the days of fireside chats and Shakespearean stages.    If fact, stories in general have, in my opinion, been lost unless they are written in the pages of books. While the art of storytelling has reemerged over the last 6 [...]

What In The World Are Social Mirror Ads?

Social Mirror ads look like your social media display or video posts but appear on other websites and apps, linking back to the social media platform and your website, and run across all devices using our targeting strategies. We are “mirroring” the EXACT look of your social post as an ad that runs on thousands of OTHER websites and apps, targeted [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:18+00:00March 19, 2021|Categories: Social Mirror|Tags: , |
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