If you’re asking this on your way in to get a renewal, you’re already too late….
First, let’s look at some of the most common reasons renewals DON’T happen:
1. You didn’t hold a proper Customer Needs Analysis meeting because you don’t have access to the end client.
2. You assume what the client’s goals are without discussing it with them.
3. You rush to get something sold without understanding if the products chosen will fuel the goal.
4. The client doesn’t understand what they were sold, understand reports, etc. Your job is to help manage client results and expectations.
5. Your campaign length is too short and doesn’t allow for campaign/creative/product optimization.
Getting renewals starts at the very beginning of the sales process.
You need to be meeting with the decision maker. There are many ways to avoid the trap of having a meeting to just have a meeting. Your time is valuable. Check out a few ways my fellow trainer, Dana, offers opportunities to still have a meeting with the decision maker here. Remember, someone else won’t present the material as clearly and accurately as you can.

Do your homework and be prepared. Nothing works better than putting in the time and effort. Don’t jump to conclusions! Even if you’ve known your client for years, their digital goals may be different than their traditional media goals. Here are a few tips to have a productive Client Needs Analysis meeting.

Digital is not a one-call close as we talk about in this previous post. You must first understand what the client needs and then put together a proposal to solve those needs. Also, know your material. Know the products. If you are a Vici client and need a refresher on any of the products, ask your Digital Point Person to send you links to our recorded webinars.

Digital doesn’t need to be complicated. Having a clear understanding as to how your products work gives you the opportunity to explain it in a very clear, simple manner. It’s typically the account managers that explain digital the best that get the sales But, if you’re reading this, you probably already got the sale.
Now, it’s time for you to review your clients’ monthly reports with them.
THIS IS KEY! Take it from me, someone who was once in your shoes and selling these exact products to my clients. Clients love to be able to see their results. You should definitely be tracking conversions for your clients’ campaigns. If you need a refresher on what are good conversions read our previous post. So reports are important. But, what’s even more important, is for your clients to UNDERSTAND what those reports mean. Every month take the report for your client over to them and sit down and discuss. Besides, who doesn’t love a little extra face to face time with their client?!

Digital is a cumulative medium, just like any other form of advertising, really. It takes time for the optimizations to take place. Though digital can be very powerful, it’s not an overnight wonder. It takes time to get the creative right, to get the targeting right. When a client is starting with Digital, they should be ready to commit for somewhere between 3-6 months. Manage your clients’ expectations and you’ll win more times than not.

Remember, getting the renewal starts at the beginning of the sales process. If you are meeting with the right decision maker, asking the right questions, and you can explain digital so that clients understand it, you’ll be able to put together a proposal that solves their need. At that point, they’ll commit. But then, it all comes down to communication, optimization, and REVIEWING MONTHLY REPORTS with them. Making sure they understand what they bought will get them to continue. And, above all else, they have you, a marketing consultant that they trust.