Tag - goals for digital advertising

Do You Know What Consumers are Doing Once They Land on Your Website?

I am so passionate about conversions that when I talk about them, I have this image of Madonna signing “Con-ver-sions” into a microphone with her white gloves on, to the same tune and beat as “Like a Virgin”- Anyone else? No? Well, you should! Conversions can take a mediocre digital campaign and make it a stellar digital campaign. Why all the hype when...

How Do I Get Renewals From My Clients?

If you’re asking this on your way in to get a renewal, you’re already too late…. First, let’s look at some of the most common reasons renewals DON’T happen: 1. You didn’t hold a proper Customer Needs Analysis meeting because you don’t have access to the end client. 2. You assume what the client’s goals are without discussing it with them. 3. You...

Matching Small Biz Digital Marketing Priorities To The Right Digital Product

Finding out what potential advertisers’ needs and goals are for a campaign is critical, but matching those to the right digital product is just as crucial. A majority of small businesses say that they will be spending more on digital marketing this year and a recent study details what they say are their primary goals and priorities. So let’s look at...