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About Laura Ostrowski

Laura is a Digital Campaign Coordinator at Vici Media. Here she plans and manages numerous digital campaigns across display, video, and social platforms. Laura utilizes her background in Advertising, Communications, and Linguistics to effectively optimize campaigns for clients across the country.

Why Your Online Presence is Important

While most businesses recognize the importance of having an online presence in this technological age, new studies are showing how important it actually is, especially for small businesses. A recent survey asked internet users in the US how having an online presence can impact a small business. Over a third (36.7%) of them said they learn about small businesses first [...]

Consumers Are Not Willing to Pay to Block Ads

If you’ve heard of Adpocolypse, and actually feel like it’s the end of the world for digital marketing, you have my permission to take a deep breath and relax.  For those of you who have not heard of Adpocolypse, it is the seemingly detrimental trend of internet users employing ad blockers so they are not shown digital display ads. So [...]

Digital Video Ad Spend is Experiencing Major Growth

If you’re looking for a new trend that isn’t high-waisted shorts or man buns, look no further than digital video.  Recent studies have found that digital video spending is on the rise, and shows no signs of slowing down. It looks like this year’s digital and mobile video ad spend will be about 85% more than it was in 2014. [...]

Emoji Use on the Rise in Marketing

Locavore, hypermiling, refudiate, selfie, and…. ‘Face with Tears of Joy?’ () One of these things is not like the others. These words are all past winners of Oxford Dictionary’s coveted Word of the Year award, but the most recent winner is not a word at all, it’s an emoji. The use of emojis spiked in 2015 (a contributing factor to [...]

Grow Your Small Business with Digital Marketing

As a small business, you may be pinching pennies and trying to save money wherever you can by not doing anything excessive or unnecessary. And you may be of the mindset that digital marketing is one of these nonessential things. I’m going to let you in on a secret: it’s not. Digital marketing, if anything, is going to help you [...]

Helpful Hints for Making Successful Carousel Ads

A carousel is no longer only found at carnivals and parks. Now, you see carousels all the time on your Facebook or Instagram News Feed (and may not even notice). Carousel ads are a rotating group of up to five images that allow you to show your consumers more of what you offer. They are shown as native ads on [...]

Instagram Continues to Grow

If you want to target customers under the age of 35 in your next digital campaign, Instagram is the platform for you. Instagram is continuously growing, and with that growth, is becoming a major player in the mobile social media game. According to an article by eMarketer, this year 89.4 million people in the United States will be scrolling through [...]

The Rise of Location-Targeted Advertising

Real estate agents’ favorite line is now moving into the field of digital marketing: location, location, location. The number of smartphone users is rapidly increasing; it is predicted that the number of smartphone users will reach two billion people worldwide this year. This means that where consumers go, their smartphones go as well, creating the perfect environment for location-based marketing. [...]

Consumer Intent: the Key to Mobile Success

It’s 2016 and consumers are more impatient than ever. The advent of newer, better, and faster technology is making on-the-go mobile searching commonplace, giving us instant access to information about almost anything. When we want something, we try to find it, and where better than our smartphone? This idea of want and search, or having some goal in mind when [...]

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