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What are the Most Effective Digital Ads?

A few years ago, I was watching the Super Bowl and the most ridiculous commercial came on. It was a woman that was overly in love with her son and throughout the commercial she was being dragged in a laundry basket behind a car, played a two faced janitor at his school while he was eating lunch, popped up from [...]

Mobile Conquesting™, Geo-Fencing, Geo-Targeting, How Targeted Can I Get With My Ads ?

When you explain to a business owner that they could put a virtual fence around their competitors’ locations and target people while at that location, their eyes light up and they start seeing dollar signs. “You mean that I can show MY ad to people while they are AT my competition?” Why yes, Mr./Ms. Business Owner, you can! Enter the [...]

Consumer Intent: the Key to Mobile Success

It’s 2016 and consumers are more impatient than ever. The advent of newer, better, and faster technology is making on-the-go mobile searching commonplace, giving us instant access to information about almost anything. When we want something, we try to find it, and where better than our smartphone? This idea of want and search, or having some goal in mind when [...]

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