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How To Get The Most From Your Retargeting Campaign

When Retargeting was first rolled out, it was a fairly straightforward process.  A visitor goes to your website, you drop a cookie on the person, follow that person around the web and show your ad, the person comes back to your website and converts. But, as with all things digital, it is constantly evolving, just as the customer path to [...]

100 Posts Later…Check Out Vici’s Most Read Blog Posts!

  Today is an exciting day for us at Vici Media, we are celebrating our 100th blog post!  We take pride in providing you with digital marketing education, campaign strategies, and trends in the ever-changing online marketing world. To commemorate 100 blog posts about effective digital marketing strategies, check out our five most popular posts ever.    These posts and many [...]

Behavioral Targeting: what is it and why does it matter?

There’s a reason display ads are so widely used: they get results.   To take your digital marketing to the next level, we suggest our clients add behavioral targeting to the mix.  Like retargeting, behavioral targeting uses online tracking to follow a user’s web-browsing behavior and compiles that data to determine what ad to display to that user. There are three major [...]

So retargeting will cause my ad to follow people? CREEPY!

There is a fine, fine line between being creepy and being, let’s say, involved. Marketers love the idea of retargeting. It’s personalized advertising! You are following someone around online who recently visited your website and showed an interest in your product. What could go wrong? Well, to those who don’t have an understanding of retargeting, it can be a little [...]

How to install a Retargeting/Remarketing Pixel in WordPress. (Example)

Retargeting web visitors is a common best practice to maximize conversions and invite back potential customers to your website.  Our clients often ask us to help retarget (or remarket) their web traffic.  Retargeting technology uses a pixel (lines of HTML code), which creates a cookie to track site visitors. But how the heck do you install that pixel? Wordpress doesn't [...]

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