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Online marketing

What the heck is a DO FOLLOW, dofollow, do-follow…

I had a client the other days ask a question about his website, asking if it would be a "do-follow" site.  This question is SO CLOSE to being a legitimate question, but also kind of funny. Here's why: Essentially you have two terms: "dofollow" and "nofollow".   This tells search engine spiders to crawl, or not crawl, a website. The [...]

How to install a Retargeting/Remarketing Pixel in WordPress. (Example)

Retargeting web visitors is a common best practice to maximize conversions and invite back potential customers to your website.  Our clients often ask us to help retarget (or remarket) their web traffic.  Retargeting technology uses a pixel (lines of HTML code), which creates a cookie to track site visitors. But how the heck do you install that pixel? Wordpress doesn't [...]

Googles Search Revenues Shift

Nearly seven in 10 marketers say Googles Product Listing Ads (PLA’s) perform better than paid search ads. Performance of Products Listing Ads (PLA’s) in relation to Paid Search, Q1-2014. Slightly Better than paid search- 43% Much better than paid search- 26% About the same as paid search- 14% Much less than paid search- 8% Google is seeing a shift in [...]

What the heck does THAT mean?

Scratching your head when it comes to the jargon of online marketing? Well LOL and WTF no more.  Here's some common acronyms and what they mean.  Got something to add? Be sure to leave a comment! CPM means Cost per thousand.  So why isn't it CPT? The ‘m’ is a Roman Numeral that stands for 1000. CTR means Click Through [...]

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