Nearly seven in 10 marketers say Googles Product Listing Ads (PLA’s) perform better than paid search ads.

Performance of Products Listing Ads (PLA’s) in relation to Paid Search, Q1-2014.

  • Slightly Better than paid search- 43%
  • Much better than paid search- 26%
  • About the same as paid search- 14%
  • Much less than paid search- 8%

Google is seeing a shift in revenue sources as a result of this success. 62% of marketing professionals worldwide have taken money from existing paid search budgets and put this toward PLA’s instead.  That most marketers are moving add dollars from paid search to PLA’s is likely why IgnitionOne cited Googles enhanced campaigns as the main driver of the 8% year over year increase in paid search in ad spending in Q1, 2014. Source: Kenshoo, April 9th, 2014.

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