Author - Katie Pray

Financial Businesses to Spend Big Bucks on Local Digital Ads in 2020

‘Tis the season, but not the season you might think I’m talking about. It’s resolution season; the time of year where people reflect on the past year and come up with a, “New Year, New You” resolution. Some of the most common resolutions that people make are to lose weight, exercise, spend more time with family, get organized, etc.....

What Are Native Video Ads?

Alright, so a Native Ad walks into a bar and sees a Video Ad and says “hey there, video; you sure do make quite the impression” and 9 months later we have the newest addition to our digital toolbox- Native Video ads!  When we talk about Native ads, we explain that they match the look, feel, and visual context of whatever...

Why Linking A Client’s Google My Business Results To Digital Campaigns Is So Important

I saw a meme the other day that said “Imagine if trees gave off Wi-Fi signals. We would be planting so many trees and we’d probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce the oxygen we breathe”. Now I’m not here to be mother nature or the planet police, but there is no denying that as a...

How Accurate is your Geo-Fencing and Visit Tracking with Mobile Conquesting?

One of the most popular products that we offer is Mobile Conquesting, and it’s also one of the more advanced and sophisticated products we offer, because of all the shiny bells and whistles that it offers. With Mobile Conquesting, we can target people by online behaviors (people who have shown specific behaviors online or are in a certain demographic)...

Do You Know What Consumers are Doing Once They Land on Your Website?

I am so passionate about conversions that when I talk about them, I have this image of Madonna signing “Con-ver-sions” into a microphone with her white gloves on, to the same tune and beat as “Like a Virgin”- Anyone else? No? Well, you should! Conversions can take a mediocre digital campaign and make it a stellar digital campaign. Why all the hype when...

Do Your Potential Customers Think Digital Advertising is Creepy?

Even when we’re adults and out on our own, we still call our moms for everything, especially when we don’t feel well. Just last night I called my mom to tell her I had a sore throat and a headache. She gave the typical mom answer and said “gargle with warm salt water and go to bed early and...

Mobile Conquesting™, Geo-Fencing, Geo-Targeting, How Targeted Can I Get With My Ads ?

When you explain to a business owner that they could put a virtual fence around their competitors’ locations and target people while at that location, their eyes light up and they start seeing dollar signs. “You mean that I can show MY ad to people while they are AT my competition?” Why yes, Mr./Ms. Business Owner, you can! Enter the...

Are Your Marketing Efforts Reaching Consumers That Cut the Cord?

“Do you want to cut the cord?” That’s a question that is most commonly asked in hospitals, but it’s also a question that’s on the rise in households. The way that people are consuming their favorite television shows is shifting gears, and people are now able to watch what they want, when they want. Some consumers no longer pay a cable subscription (cord...

Digital is Not Scary: How to Help Traditional Sellers Wrap Their Heads Around Digital

I get it. It’s scary to learn a completely new product that you’re unfamiliar with and be expected to go out to your clients and pitch them another product that’s going to get their “doors-a-swingin’, and their registers-a-ringin’”. I’m here to tell you to come on in-the water is warm! When I first started pitching digital, I thought I was never going to...