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Are You Taking Advantage of Digital Advertising for the Holidays?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Schools are back in session (somewhat), the nights and mornings are getting cooler, and the sun is setting earlier. Personally, I like to get every last bit out of summer that I can and consider summer to begin on Memorial Day weekend and go until midnight of the first day of Fall, [...]

Are You Taking Advantage of Video Ads? 2020 is the Year of Video

In the Disney movie “Up”, there is a dog named Dug that gets distracted easily every time he sees a squirrel. No matter what he is doing, if he sees a squirrel, he stops and tracks it. In today’s marketing and advertising world, we are all “Dug’s” that are bombarded with several squirrels a day. There are so many advertising [...]

What Are Native Video Ads?

Alright, so a Native Ad walks into a bar and sees a Video Ad and says “hey there, video; you sure do make quite the impression” and 9 months later we have the newest addition to our digital toolbox- Native Video ads!  When we talk about Native ads, we explain that they match the look, feel, and visual context of [...]

Digital Ad Terms You Need To Know

A/B Testing: When you compare different versions of digital ads or website landing pages to see which one performs better. An A/B test for digital ads would be running two different versions of ad creative and then measuring which version gets a higher engagement from viewers. Above The Fold: This is a term from the print advertising industry. In digital, [...]

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